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Lia and her friends take Y/N to the corner away from others eyes. Y/N look at Lia with her excited eyes while Lia smirk at her friends. One for her friend look at Y/N "oh Y/N your hair is not looking like Cinderella let me fix it." Y/N smile happily and nod she pull out her clip harshly and Y/N flinch then hiss in pain. Lia make a fake consent face "what happen Y/N? You okay?".

Y/N nod lightly at her words, Lia chuckle slightly then her friends make her hair messy and Y/N started getting scared "n-no... Lia I don't w-want to l-look like Cinderella p-please let me g-go." They stop and make a fake surprise face to Y/N "oh my god." Y/N look at them in confusion while Lia shake her head fakely "your hair looks exactly like Cinderella." After hearing her words a small smile again appear on Y/N face.

Then Lia takes out a lipstick from her bag "now let me fix your makeup." She apply the lipstick harshly on her lips and drag it to her cheeks then around her lips. She make a mess on her face then handed her lipstick to Y/N "Y/N you should apply it yourself... It will be better." She hold Y/N hand and make a mess on her face then stop and fake gasp
"Wow.... Guys look at her..  she is looking just like Cinderella didn't she?". Her friend also nod while acting. Y/N smile widely "really Lia?" and she nod "okay Y/N we are going you come out after a minute okay?'.

Y/N nod her head excitedly then Lia with her friends walks away while laughing. They join the party like they didn't do anything. After a minute Y/N came out while smiling excitedly, when people notice her they gasp in shock while some laugh and make fun of her. Soon everyone laugh at her and some others started gossiping. Mrs.Jung immediately walk to her daughter in panic and look at her with her shock eyes "Y/N" she call her name with a very low voice.

Y/N smile happily at her mother "mumma I'm now looking like Cinderella right?". Mrs.Jung heart breaks at her words and she softly drag her to a room. After they enter the room Mrs.Jung look at Y/N who is now looking at her mother in confusion "what happen mumma?". Before she replied Mr.Jung enter the room with a furious expression "what the hell was that huh? Do you even realise how much humiliation I have to face because of her... I shouldn't even let her come here... She is better in her room." He look at Mrs.Jung with his furious eyes then at the end he looks at Y/N with his rage filled eyes. Y/N get scared and she immediately hold her mother arm in fear.

Mrs.Jung put her hand on Y/N hand "Mr.Jung... she didn't come to the party like this you saw it with your own eyes... Someone did it." She have an idea who did it but she can't say it without any proof. She turn to Y/N who now have some tears in her eyes. She gulp her own tears and caress her face softly then softly run her hand on her hair as an attempt to fix it "princess who did this?". Y/N look at her mother with her tear filled eyes "mumma what happen?... Did I do something wrong?".

Mr.Jung shout slightly at her because of the guest "yes... Yes you did." Y/N flinch at his voice and Mrs.Jung look at her husband intensely then look back at her daughter whose tears started shedding. Y/N sniff her tears "m-mumma... I just want t-to look l-like Cinderella a-and Lia-." Before she complete her sentence they heard a loud gasp. Lia enter the room while putting her hand on her chest "oh my god Y/N... I can't beleive you are blaming it on me."

Mr.Jung gets more angry while Mrs.Jung look at her with her intense eyes and Lia gulp slightly while Y/N shake her head while crying "n-no... I'm sorry Lia... Please sorry." She said immediately with her cracking voice. Mrs.Jung look at her and caress her face "princess calm down... hmm you didn't do anything... now tell me who gives you this lipstick." She look at lipstick in Y/N hand then glance at Lia who avoid her eyes. Y/N wipe her tear with the back of her hand "Lia." She said now Mr. Jung also look at his daughter.

Lia gulp slightly "dad she ask me for a lipstick and I thought it's normal for girls to ask for a lipstick so I give it." Mr.Jung scoff "but you should know there is nothing normal about her." He drag the word normal a little longer and Mrs.Jung shout at him slightly in her warning voice "Mr.Jung... don't you dare." Mr.Jung look at her with his rage filled eyes "try me." Lia looks Y/N who is again crying "Y/N did I apply lipstick on you? You did it with your own hand right?". Y/N nod immediately while crying because technically she make her apply lipstick on her face while holding her hand. Lia look at her father "see... dad we are wasting our time let's go... there way more important people waiting for you outside." Mr.Jung nod and again glare at Y/N then both of them walks out.

Mrs.Jung look at Y/N who is crying continuously. Mrs.Jung wipe her tears "shh... Princess don't cry hmm... I'm here." Y/N slowly started to calm down while Mrs.Jung ask her "princess did you really apply this lipstick yourself?". Y/N nod her head "yes... First Lia apply it on my face then she give it to me and make me apply it... Mumma even her friends helped me with my hair... They make my hair like Cinderella... Mumma Lia is really nice." Mrs.Jung heart breaks into pieces while looking in her innocent eyes, she hugs her tightly and a tear left her eyes.

At Kim Mansion
Tae enters the house with slow steps and sit in the couch while losing his tie. He close his eyes tiredly just then someone turns the lights on. Tae open his eyes and immediately gets up when he see his father standing there. He stand straight with a poker face while Mr.Kim also look at him with his sharp eyes "how was the meeting?". Tae look down slightly "it was good sir." Mr.Kim nod "did we get the deal " Tae gulp slightly "no sir... but we convince them... They just ask for sometime but we are sure they will accept it." Mr.Kim look at him with his sharp intense eyes "Kim Taehyung when will you understand business properly huh? You get everything in platter... I make this business." Tae look down with his poker face.

Mrs.Kim come out of the room while hearing their voices. She look at her husband shouting at their son and he is as always looking down. Mrs.Kim look at her son's face which have no expression it breaks her heart. She is his mother and knows that he is not happy. He is tired, really exhausted from all this but he won't show it to others well that's what he has been taught by his father from childhood.

Seven years old Taehyung standing infront of his father while looking down. He is scared and terrified of his father. Mr.Kim look at him with his intense eyes without any emotions "Kim Taehyung did you just cried?". Tae flinch from his voice and Mrs.Kim eyes gets teary, she wants to run and hide his baby boy in her arms protectively. Tae body is shaking in fear "because I-I fall down a-and hurt my k-knee d-dad-" Mr.Kim raise his and cut off his sentence "WHAT DID I TOLD TO CALL ME?". Tae flinch again "s-sir." Mr.Kim shout at him "LOUDER." Tae keep looking down and said with a slight raise cracking voice "s-sir."

Mr.Kim jaw clench "LOUDER TAEHYUNG" Tae sniff his tears hardly "SIR" he scream with his quivering voice and tears are flowing from Mrs.Kim eyes. Mr.Kim nod "hmm... I'm your teacher... I will teach you the principles of life... I'm your sir do you understand?" Tae nod his head while looking at his feet with blurry eyes from tears "words Taehyung." Tae gulp "y-yes."

Mr.Kim step closer to Taehyung and crouch to his level "look at me." Tae slowly look at him with his shaking figure. Mr.Kim hold his arm tightly "mans don't cry...Mans dont show emotions... We have to be cold... Do you understand? MANS DON'T SHOW EMOTIONS... MANS DON'T CRY... DO YOU GET IT?". He shout on his face and he nod immediately "SAY IT." Tae suck in his tears "MANS DON'T SHOW EMOTIONS... MANS DON'T CRY." Mrs.Kim breath hitched at his words.

Back to present
Mrs.Kim get off her thoughts when Mr.Kim walk past her to their room. She look at Taehyung who also look at her with his usual cold face "did you have your dinner Tae?". He look at her and shake his head lightly "I'm not hungry." He is about to walk to his room when Mrs.Kim words stop him for second "good night my prince." He looks at her, 'prince' that's what she called him in childhood. He gets flashbacks from his past but then he again look at his mother and just slightly nod "good night."

Mrs.Kim look at him walking away and sigh "I hope Tae you get someone who will bring back my Tae bear... who will melt your ice walls that you made around you."

to be continued~
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