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Days passed in a blink, and tomorrow is the day of marriage. Taehyung stand at the balcony of his room and look at the moon which looks so peaceful that he feels jealous of its calmness and peace. A storm is going on in his mind. He look down at his hand which have his engagement ring. A shaky breath escape his mouth. That ring feel so heavy in his finger that the heaviness radiates to his heart. His heart feels so heavy that he can't breath properly. He look at the moon again, as an attempt to find some calmness and peace.
Sleep is not even close to his eyes, he knows that tomorrow he is going to be someone else.

How will he bear the thought of belonging to someone else. When his heart belongs to someone special but did she thought about it before marrying to someone else? Did his thought cross her mind for once? Was she also forced into her marriage?

At Jung Mansion
Y/N is sitting on the couch in the living room and colouring her princess colouring book while everyone is busy in the house running here and there including her mother. Her hair is tied in two braids and she is sipping on her chocolate milkshake while her doe like eyes look at the people who are busy. Then a man come and he have a big bag in his hand.

Mrs.Jung who was just passing from there stop and look at him "yes? how can I help you?". He step towards her "ma'am this is the wedding gown." She nod immediately "oh okay thank you." He nod back in a respecting way and hand her the bag then walk out. Y/N walk towards her mother while her braids move when she walk "mumma what is this?". Mrs.Jung smile at her daughter "this is Lia's wedding gown." Y/N eyes shine in excitement "gown, like princess gown." Her mother chuckle at her cute expression "mumma can I see it please?".

She show her puppy eyes to her mother and she look at her in hesitation but then sigh "alright but from a distance." She nod immediately which cause her braids to fall in front of her shoulders. Mrs.Jung look around to make sure no notice then slowly unzip the big not fully just enough to get a good look of the gown. As she unzip the bag, Y/N eyes widened and mouth hung open. She step forward and about to touch it when her mother pull it back "Y/N what did I said no touching." She glance at her mother but again look at the gown her eyes shine with admiration. But she pout when her mother zip it back "enough now, I'm taking it to Lia's room."

She step towards the stairs when Y/N run behind her "mumma." She stopped and looked back at her "what?". Y/N grin cutely "can I have it please?." Her eyes shines with hope but Mrs.Jung shake her head firmly "no you can't, didn't I told you earlier to not ask something like this." She look down at her mother words and nod while holding the corner of her floral dress. Mrs.Jung step on the stairs while Y/N look at her with a small pout but then a naughty grin appear on her face. She close her eyes and pray, because her mother said if you want something you should pray for it. She tightly close her eyes and pray in her mind 'please I want that dress, give me that dress, and... that prince too.' She innocently ask for something that will bring storm in their lifes.

Next day at wedding venue
Taehyung is standing in front of the mirror with a poker face. Jin pick up his black blazer and make him wear it. Once he wears it, Jin smile softly at the reflection of his younger brother in the mirror but when he look at his face his smile fades, he know as much as he tried to show that nothing is effecting him, but the pain of his heart is clearly visible in his eyes. Jin softly turn Tae and now he stand face to face with him. Jin smile at him to which he just nod, before Jin could say something he get a call from his wife that son is crying badly because of the crowd. He excuse himself and step out of the room.

Once Tae is alone in the room, he again look at his reflection in the mirror, his lifeless eyes are screaming his pain. He can hear her giggling, their future promises, their peaceful talking sessions at the park, her last words to him "never show me your face again."

He take a long shaky breath and hold his phone in his cold numb hands. He scroll through his contact list and his thumb stop on a especial name which he wants to call since last six years but couldn't muster the courage. His fingers tremble when he press on it. He place the phone on his ear, the sound of ring makes his heartbeat raise. After many rings when no one answer the call, he gulp the lump that form in his throat but as he about pull away the phone, he heard a sweet calming voice. A voice which he craves to listen since past six years everyday, every minute, every second.

His Hana, but did he have the right to call a married women as his women? When he himself going to marry someone else. He get back to his senses when he heard her voice again "hello? Who is this?". His throat gets dry like a dry sand and hands shake badly, he hold the phone tightly to prevent it from falling. He open his mouth to say something but no words come out of his mouth when he heard her husband's voice behind her. He immediately cut the call the hold the frame of the mirror to support his shaking body. A thick layer of tears cover his eyes but what about the tears that is flowing from his heart since past six years.

Taehyung stand on the stage while Jin is talking to him but his mind is numb right now. He didn't hear a single word. He come out of the bubble of his thoughts when Jin hold his arm. He look at Jin with confusion but he is looking somewhere else. Tae follow his eyes and his eyebrows crease together when he look at his father. Mr.Kim face turns slight red from the anger, Tae can easily see the anger and rage in his father's intense eyes even from a distance. He look at his mother and she is also panicking. He didn't understand what is happening. He look at Jin who also look back at him in confusion. Then Jin's wife come towards him and whisper something in his ear which make him shock. He look at his wife with wide eyes and she nod slowly. Taehyung look at the couple with his curious eyes.

Then Jennifer (Jin's wife) look at Tae and give him a sympathetic smile which makes him more confuse, she then walk towards the kids. Tae finally look at Jin in pure confusion "what is happening hyung?". Jin place his hand softly on his younger brother's shoulder "Tae?." He look down in hesitation which makes Tae frustrated "tell me hyung" he ask him in his firm voice. Jin move his eyes up towards him "Tae your bride... s-she run away." Tae look at him in shock but then his shock expressions turns into rage. He clench his fist "I know that girl is a trouble, but I didn't thought she will do something like this." Jin caress his back as an attempt to calm his rage "calm down Tae."

On the other side
Mr.Jung hold the paper in his fist tightly that his fingers turns pale because of the rage. It is a note his daughter Lia, left behind in which she wrote that she wants to be a model and that she already have a boyfriend which she once told her father about but he shouted on her and force her to break up with him. She further wrote that she is running with her boyfriend for living her life and fulfill her dreams. In the end she wrote that she loves her father but he didn't leave any option for her. Mrs.Jung is standing behind him. His chest moves ups and down with heavy anger breaths. He kick on the mirror that is in front of him with a loud angry growl. Mrs.Jung gasp loudly at his action. Just then a knock can be heard on the door, Mrs.Jung look at her husband who didn't move a single muscle from his place. She can look his stiff back muscles, slowly she take steps towards the door and open it but not fully. After few seconds she again close the door "M-Mr.Kim calls you i-in the groom's dressing r-room."

At groom's dressing room
Mr.Kim is standing there with his hands locked behind his back. Tae is standing at side corner with his jaw clench, it's not like he wanted to do this marriage at the first place but he can't afford the humiliation he and his family have to face. A perfectionist man like him can't afford it. Then the door creak open and Mr.Jung step in the door, he close the door behind him. Mr.kim look at him with red intense eyes "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS KIM? IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE TO YOU? YOUR DAUGHTER DIDN'T THINK ABOUT ANYONE'S REPUTATION" he growl loudly while Tae stand quitely but his rage is also visible in his eyes. Mr.Jung look down slightly but then his devilish brain starts working while Mr.Kim continue "WHAT THE HELL WILL THE PEOPLE SAY? DO YOU REALISE HOW MUCH IT CAN EFFECT OUR BUSINESS? WHAT ABOUT THAT BLOODY BUSINESS DEAL BETWEEN US... IT'S OVER IT'S-" "no it's not" Mr.Jung look up at him. His words confuse the other two mans.

Tae take a step forward "what the hell are you saying?" he ask him in his low deep cold voice. Mr.Jung glance at him then look at Mr.Kim "don't you remember I have one more daughter."

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