Chapter no. 7 System and Player

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[ Simulation System Initiated ]

[ Input: Player's Desire - "If only I could make this family better." ]

[ Process: Analyzing Simulation of Decisions to Fulfill Player's Desire ]

  - [ Analyzing... ]

  - [ Progress: 1% ]

  - [ Progress: 2% ]

  - [ Progress: 10% ]

  - [ Progress: 50% ]

  - [ Progress: 60% ]

  - [ Progress: 80% ]

  - [ Progress: 100% ]

[ Analysis Complete ]

[ Result: Mission Generated - "Rebirth of the Heavenly Marks Family" ]

[ Objective: Utilize knowledge from past life to elevate the status and fortune of the Heavenly Marks Family. ]

[ Actions Required: ]

[ - Directive: Select from the provided options. ]

[ - Warning: Non-selection will result in mission failure and the inability to achieve the player's desired outcome. ]

Nie Li's gaze darted across the screen, his mind racing faster than the countdown itself.

[ 1- My name is Nie Li ]

[ 2- Patriarch Nie Hai, Do you have the courage to make a bet with me ? ]

[ 3- Remain Silent ]




Nie Li pondered, "Can these choices truly improve my family's situation? How?"

Nie Li stood there, his mind racing as he considered his options.

Each one seemed like a different path in a dense forest, leading to unknown destinations.

The first choice, simply stating "[1- My name is Nie Li]," felt too ordinary, almost pointless. "Just announcing my name... What good would that do?" he thought.

"I'm just a farmer's son. Wouldn't saying my name out loud in such a grand manner make me look foolish, like I'm pretending to be more important than I am?"

Then there was the second option.

[2- Patriarch Nie Hai, Do you have the courage to make a bet with me?]

This was daring, almost reckless.

It was like throwing down a challenge right in the patriarch's face.

"But what if he says no?" Nie Li worried. "Would I look weak, or would it make him seem scared? And what's the bet about anyway? Do I even have a solid plan for this gamble?"

The third choice, "[3- Remain Silent]," appeared to be the path of least resistance. "Isn't keeping quiet the same as giving up? Or does it mean I just avoid making things worse?"

He pondered if silence was really the safest bet, or if it was merely a quiet surrender, a missed opportunity to change his fate.

As Nie Li weighed his options, he realized each choice came with its own set of risks and possibilities.

With each tick of the countdown, Nie Li's heart pounded louder in his chest.

Three paths lay before him, each leading to a future unknown.

Heavenly Simulation: Tales of Demons and Godsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن