Chapter no.10 Father vs Son part 2

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The Holy Orchid Institute was a name known to all in Glory City, but what did it truly represent?

It was more than just a school; it was the heart of learning for the city's youth, the only place where they could learn the arts essential for survival and prosperity.

Here, students were taught how to cultivate their powers, engage in combat, hunt, deal with demon beasts, and survive in the wild. They learned about herbology, ancient histories, the art of inscription, and the nuances of soul force manipulation, among many other critical skills.

In his first life, Nie Li had been a part of this esteemed institution.

However, he wasn't exactly a model student. Far from it, he was mediocre at best, struggling to keep up with his peers in almost every discipline.

But there was one exception, one glimmer of excellence in his otherwise unremarkable academic record. Nie Li had mastered a martial art, a feat that had even earned the praise of his teachers. It was his one true achievement, the single point of pride in his life at the Holy Orchid Institute.

Now, in his second life, Nie Li found himself reflecting on that achievement.

[ Skill: The Orchid Garden Weapon Art ]

[ Level: 1 ]

[ Grade: Low ]

[ Description: A low-grade martial arts technique, inspired by the graceful fall of orchid leaves in the wind. Created by a talented gardener who mimicked the movements with his broom, this art emphasizes fluidity and adaptability. It can be applied to any object wielded as a weapon, allowing the practitioner to move with the unpredictable elegance of falling leaves. ]

[ Effects: ]

  - [ Agility Boost: Increases user's agility by 10%, enabling quicker dodging and more fluid movement. ]

  - [ Weapon Flexibility: Improves the efficiency of using unconventional weapons by 15%, allowing for greater adaptability in combat. ]

  - [ Wind Trace: Grants a 5% chance to execute a counter-attack that mimics the unpredictable movement of wind-blown leaves, confusing opponents. ]

I pushed aside the pop-up from the system, giving it hardly a moment's thought.

My entire attention was fixed on my father.

Nie Ming stood there, a figure shaped by years of physical toil rather than by the disciplined practice of martial arts.

His stance was unrefined, the kind you'd expect from someone who learned to fight out of need rather than formal training.

He was full of openings that would have made any experienced warrior cringe.

But even with those flaws, there was undeniable strength in him, a potent force born from a lifetime of labor.

I knew I couldn't beat that strength with brute force of my own.

Even though my father wasn't a cultivator, his physical strength surpassed mine.

I had to rely on my smaller size and faster reactions.

But how could I turn that into my advantage?

What was my next move?

Just as I pondered this, the system window popped up in front of me, as if offering an answer to my silent question.

[ Simulating Combat Scenario ]

[ Please Select the Following ]

[ ▶ Attack ]

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