Chapter no.35 Narrative Point?

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[ Name: Shen Xiu ]

[ Status: Half Sister of the Patriach of the Sacred Family ]

[ Cultivation Level: 3 Star Silver Rank ]

[ Physique Level: 4 Star Bronze Rank ]

[ Class: Demon Spiritualists, Fighter, Inscription Array Scribe ]

[ Race: Human

[ Health Points: 56.4K /56.4K ]

[ Soul Force: 3,000 /3,000 ]

[ Battle Power: 807K ]

[ Class Features:

- Soul Manipulation.

- Perception.

- Array Infuse ]

[ Allies: Sacred Family ]

[ Equipment: ]

- [ ? ]

[ Description: The Half-Sister of the Patriarch of the Sacred Family. Because of her background, she is always under pressure to prove her worth to the family. To her, the honor of the family is important; to her, she is nothing without the Sacred Family, so she dedicated everything to the Sacred Family because she is nothing to herself. Even her pride of being a master scribe doesn't amount to much compared to the family, so she is here in the Holy Orchid Institute to complete her mission and prove herself to the sacred family and more importantly to herself. ]

Nie Li's eyes widened in amazement as he witnessed Shen Xiu's transformation and the immense boost in strength it granted her. "Eight times stronger," he whispered to himself, astounded.

The thought of such power made his heart race.

"Imagine," he mused, his mind racing with possibilities, "how strong I could become if I managed to use eight demon spirits at once. That would be unbelievable!"

Just as he was getting carried away by his thoughts, imagining the untapped potential and the battles he could win with such power, a sudden chime snapped him back to reality.

"Huh?" Nie Li blinked, momentarily confused.

[ Narrative Point Detected ]

[ Select from the following ]

[ 1- Kill Shen Xiu ]

[ 2- Court Shen Xiu ]

Nie Li's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as he read the options presented by the system.

"Kill Shen Xiu?" he thought, incredulously. "That's like painting a giant target on my back for one of the most powerful families in Glory City."

The idea was ludicrous, almost laughable if it weren't so terrifying.

Then his gaze fell on the second option, and a mix of disbelief and revulsion washed over him.

"Court Shen Xiu? Oh, heavens, just thinking about it makes me want to gag."

But as he sat there, trying to process the absurdity of the situation, Nie Li couldn't help but remember the countless times the system had steered him right. It had always been a source of invaluable information, skills, and advantages that he could never have dreamed of otherwise.

"Choosing either option is bound to trigger a huge reward," he reasoned, his mind racing through the possibilities.

The system had always provided benefits indirectly, from the world around him, but this was the first time it was offering something so directly.

It promised to be significant.

"Option 1 is out of the question," Nie Li concluded quickly. Taking on the Sacred Family was a death wish, especially at his current level of strength.

That left him with the second option, as unappealing as it seemed at first glance.

"Alright, option 2 it is," Nie Li decided, a sense of resigned determination settling over him. "I'll use this as an excuse to... court Shen Xiu."

The very thought sent a shiver down his spine.

"Courting one of the most arrogant, yet undeniably beautiful women in Glory City... Great, I can't possibly see how this could go wrong."

Nie Li hovered his finger over the option to court Shen Xiu.

But then, he paused, a sudden memory flashing across his mind.

The first day he woke up in this new life, there had been a similar moment—a narrative point.

Curiosity piqued, he tapped on the system.

[ Narrative Point ]

[ Description: Narrative points represent pivotal moments within the player's journey. These significant instances possess the potential to fundamentally alter the player's character, including status, abilities, skills, and power, contingent upon the choices made. ]

[ Connection to Prime Desire: Each narrative point is intricately linked to the player's prime desire, serving as a catalyst for progression towards fulfilling this core ambition. ]

[ Prime Desire of Player Nie Li: "I want the power to be able to save Glory City." ]

[ Implication: The sequence of narrative points Nie Li encounters will be orchestrated to align with his primal desire for the salvation of Glory City. Choices made at these junctures will directly influence his capability to achieve this overarching goal, shaping his path towards becoming the protector Glory City needs. ]

"I see," Nie Li murmured to himself, the realization settling in.

He reflected on the first narrative point that had led him to become the heir of the Heavenly Marks Family, a role he never anticipated but now held.

With this newfound clarity, Nie Li's hesitation vanished.

"Option 1 or 2, killing or courting Shen Xiu, I don't know how that is going to help me protect Glory City, but I am not complaining either way."

[ Selection Confirmed: Player Nie Li has chosen Option 2 - Court Shen Xiu. ]

[ Process: Simulating mission parameters and narratjve development. ]

[ Mission Generation: Initiated ]

[ Mission: Love and Betrayal ]

[ Mission Type: Semi ]

[ Objective: Court Shen Xiu ]

[ Reward: AI Combat Style ]

[ Warning: This mission encompasses multiple potential pathways. Player will be presented with choices for path selection. ]

Nie Li gave a mental nod to the system, a brief moment of triumph flashing through his mind before a daunting realization hit him like a bucket of cold water.

"I have absolutely no idea how to court someone," he admitted to himself with a grimace.

The thought was as alarming as suddenly finding out he was supposed to perform a dance routine in front of the entire school—naked.

"Great," he mused sarcastically, "even with the system's guidance, I still have to actually do the courting. And how do you even start courting a woman who would probably prefer to kill herself over a date with me?"

Then, a sliver of hope flickered in his mind. "Ah, but I am the heir of the Heavenly Marks Family. Surely, that must count for something?"

But as quickly as the hope appeared, it was extinguished by the harsh reality of Shen Xiu's attitude.

"Oh, right. She'd likely toss me into the abyss for even suggesting such a thing. Being an heir is impressive unless you're trying to impress someone who considers your social standing slightly more appealing than that of a street rat."

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