Chapter no.26 Intentions

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Nie Li was abruptly awakened by a servant, marking the start of a day unlike any he had ever experienced.

First, two servants gently pulled the covers away, while another stood ready with a basin of warm water for washing his face and hands.

The water, scented with jasmine, was supposed to be refreshing, yet Nie Li found the attention stifling.

He missed the cold splash of water from the well back home, which did more than just wake him up; it revitalized his spirit.

As he sat up, another servant approached with a fine-toothed comb to meticulously groom his hair.

In the past, a quick run-through with his fingers would have sufficed, but now, every strand needed to be perfectly in place.

Nie Li couldn't help but think, "Is all this really necessary just to start the day?"

Following the grooming, his attire for the day was presented.

It was a set of robes, rich in fabric and color, a far cry from the simpler clothes he was accustomed to wearing. Dressing him felt like dressing a doll, with servants fussing over every fold and tie, ensuring that everything sat just right.

Breakfast was next, served on fine porcelain that Nie Li feared he might break. The food was exquisite, each dish prepared with care and precision, but he longed for the simple meals cooked by his mother. They might not have had the complexity of flavors he was now being offered, but they were made with love and shared with family.

Nie Li noticed his family's discomfort mirroring his own.

His father and mother, uncle and aunty—all of them looked as if they had been thrust into roles they never auditioned for.

They were farmers just yesterday, their hands accustomed to the feel of soil and the weight of manual labor.

Now, they sat like royalty, their uneasy glances betraying their internal struggle to adapt to this sudden shift in their lives.

The only one who seemed unfazed was Nie Yu, the child of the family, who delighted in the novelty of their circumstances. Her innocence shielded her from the weight of transition, allowing her to enjoy the moment without the burden of adjustment.

"Is this really necessary?" Nie Ming asked, his discomfort evident as a servant hastily adjusted his clothing, making Ming even more uneasy.

"You'll get used to it," Xiao Yun tried to reassure him, though it was clear she was the most affected by the change. Back in their modest home, she had always seen herself as the protector, the one who welcomed her husband and brother-in-law back from a hard day's work in the fields with a warm meal. She and Miao Ling would clean, take care of the kids, and maintain the household.

It was challenging, yes, but it gave her a sense of purpose, a role within the family that she valued deeply.

Now, in this new, lavish setting where everything was handed to her, she felt her role slipping away.

Miao Ling and Nie Kai, despite their struggles with injuries — hers on the back and his on the leg — found the presence of servants somewhat beneficial. But for Xiao Yun and Nie Ming, the adjustment was proving to be a tough one.

Nie Li observed his family.

"In a week, I'll be starting at the Holy Orchid Institute, so this new life will pause for me. But for them, it continues. I want to make their lives easier, not make them feel lost," he thought.

Clearing his throat, Nie Li addressed his family. "Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunty."

"And Nie Yu!" Nie Yu added eagerly.

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