Chapter no.15 Flying Dragon Pill

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As Nie Li sat enveloped in his own thoughts, Xiao Yun wrapped her arms around him in a comforting embrace.
She could see the turmoil in her son's eyes.

"Nie Li, we all chose to do what we did because we believe in you," she said softly, her voice laced with conviction.

"Don't see our sacrifices as a burden. See them as the support they are meant to be. We have faith in you; we know you will win."

Tears welled up in Nie Li's eyes as he looked around the room.

His uncle gave him an encouraging nod, his aunt a warm smile, and his mother planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, while his father beamed with excitement.

Breaking the emotional atmosphere, Nie Ming declared, "Enough of the waterworks. Let me show you all something really amazing."

He then placed a small, unassuming box on the table, piquing everyone's curiosity.

"Ming, what's that?" Nie Kai asked, eyeing the box with interest.

"Oh, it's my gift for Nie Li," Nie Ming replied with a hint of mystery in his voice.

"Didn't you already get the herbs and the medicinal bath recipe?" Xiao Yun questioned, wondering about the contents of the box.

"Don't worry, I've got the herbs and the recipe. This," Nie Ming said, gesturing to the box, "is something special I found that I believe will really help Nie Li."

As he opened the box, a potent medicinal pill was revealed, its strong scent instantly filling the room.

The sudden aroma was so overwhelming that everyone instinctively jerked back, taken aback by the intensity.

[ Item: Failed Flying Dragon Pill ]

[ Type: Consumable - Hazardous ]

[ Description: This pill represents a botched attempt at crafting the coveted Flying Dragon Pill. Despite its perfect exterior, manipulated to mimic the genuine article, the concoction within is fatally flawed. The alchemist responsible for its creation lacked the necessary skill, resulting in a dangerous and deceptive product. ]

[ Rarity: Uncommon ]

[ Effects: ]

  - [ Fake Aura: The pill emits a fragrance and aura indistinguishable from that of a genuine Flying Dragon Pill, making it impossible to discern based on smell or superficial examination alone. ]

  - [ Death: Consumption of this pill leads to immediate and irreversible consequences. The cultivator's soul force is violently expelled in an attempt by the pill to achieve equilibrium, following the law of balance. This process is lethal, resulting in the cultivator's death without exception. ]

"Ming, how did you manage to get that pill?" Nie Kai asked, his voice muffled as he pinched his nose against the potent smell.

Nie Ming began to explain, "Well, I met this kind stranger who paid for the medicinal bath recipe. He was an alchemist and... well, he showed me this Flying Dragon Pill."

The reaction was immediate.

Xiao Yun, Miao Ling, and Nie Kai's jaws dropped.

"This can't be the Flying Dragon Pill," Xiao Yun exclaimed, disbelief coloring her voice. The Flying Dragon Pill was legendary in Glory City, a treasure beyond the reach of all but the most powerful and affluent, known for its incredible properties to boost one's cultivation.

"Brother, you must be joking?" Miao Ling added, her voice echoing the disbelief that filled the room.

Nie Ming, for some reason, looked offended as he picked up the pill.

As he held it, visible soul force swirled around it.

"This is the real deal," he insisted, defending his claim.

Nie Kai, concern and incredulity mixing in his voice, pressed further, "Okay, assuming this is genuine, how on earth did you get it? Even the Patriarch of our family couldn't afford such a pill. What did you do?"

Nie Ming hesitated, then admitted in a hushed tone that made everyone lean in, "I... I used the house as collateral at the dangpu house for a loan. I got 100k Demon Spirit Coins and bought the pill from that stranger."

The room fell into a stunned silence. Nie Kai's hand went to his forehead, rubbing it as if to soothe the sudden headache that had sprung up.

Xiao Yun and Miao Ling sat frozen, shock rendering them speechless.

Nie Li was overwhelmed with mixed feelings.

He was moved by how much his father was willing to sacrifice for him, but at the same time, he realized that they had been deceived.

"My father was scammed by that stranger into buying a dangerous pill that might kill me if I try it," Nie Li reflected.

Nie Li was at a loss for words.

The thought of telling his father about the huge debt they were now in because of a dangerous, fake pill was unbearable.

He also dreaded imagining how the rest of his family would react to such news.

Then, Nie Kai's voice broke through the tension, almost reaching a scream.

"Ming, it's one thing to believe the pill might be real, but have you considered the interest rate? Fifteen percent per month is astronomical! We've never dealt with such amounts. Even if we take years to gather 100k, the interest alone will drown us."

Nie Ming, however, seemed unfazed by the concern.

"It's fine. Nie Li will take the pill, reach the Bronze or even Silver rank, and become the heir. Then, we'll easily pay off the debt. It's just an investment," he explained, placing the pill in front of Nie Li.

"Eat it," he urged.

Inside, Nie Li was panicking.

What do I do?

Eating it is out of the question; it could kill me. But if I reveal the truth, it could devastate my father or worse, lead to a physical fight between him and my uncle.

He felt caught between a rock and a hard place, unsure of which path to take.

At that moment, Nie Li turned his gaze to the system, desperately hoping for some guidance or solution to help navigate this impossible situation.

[ Simulation System Initiated ]

[ Mission: Find a way to fix this mess. ]

[ Objective: Player Nie Li is faced with a potentially fatal dilemma involving a deceptive pill. The challenge is to neutralize the threat without inciting familial discord or financial ruin. ]

[ Potential Outcome: ]

  - [ 1- Eat the Pill and use the Yama's Furnace Breathing Technique to neutralize its deadly effects. ]

[ Note: Implementation of this plan requires 1 Life Coin due to the complexity and risk involved. ]

[ Insert Life Coin. ]

[ Player Nie Li's Life Coins: 2 ]

[ Actions Required: ]

[ - Confirm to spend 1 Life Coin and proceed with the chosen course of action ]

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