Chapter no.44 Inscription array part 1

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As Nie Li stepped out, a sense of accomplishment washed over him.

"First step done," he mused, proud of having managed to get Shen Xiu's attention and securing a reason to see her every day.

"Now, the real challenge begins: earning her respect," he pondered, his mind buzzing with strategies.

He was aware of Shen Xiu's interest in roping him into the Sacred Family, a prospect filled with advantages.

Yet, he couldn't help but question, "Do I really need the Sacred Family when I have the system at my disposal?"

Pushing that thought aside for the moment, Nie Li focused on his immediate goal.

"How do I make Shen Xiu see me as more than just another student?" he wondered, drawing a blank.

"I need a woman's perspective on this. But who to ask?" As he pondered, an idea struck him, and he made a beeline for the infirmary, where he found the physician.

"Oh, Nie Li, right?" the physician greeted.

"Yes," Nie Li confirmed, then quickly got to the point. "I have a question."

"How can I assist?" the physician inquired, her tone open and helpful.

"Hypothetically, if someone wanted to impress a somewhat arrogant woman by learning inscription arrays from her, what skill level should they aim for? To, you know, not end up offending her in the attempt?" Nie Li asked.

The physician paused, processing his question.

"How arrogant are we talking about here?"

Nie Li considered this for a moment before answering, "Let's just say, hypothetically, on the level of Shen Xiu."

"Is that so?" the physician mused. "Well, if she's anything like Shen Xiu, then your friend would need to surpass her in skill. Shen Xiu takes great pride in her inscription abilities. She'd likely only show respect to someone she considers a superior in the craft."

"Thank you," Nie Li said, genuinely grateful for the insight.

As he turned to leave, the physician handed him a note.

"I am free tonight if you want to have some fun," she said, giving him an address.

Nie Li eyed the note suspiciously, then glanced at the physician.

[ Name: Zheng Pingru ]

[ Status: Physician of the Holy Orchid Institute, Secret Agent of the Sacred Family ]

[ Cultivation Level: 2-star Bronze Rank ]

[ Physique Level: 1-star Gold Rank ]

[ Class: Spy, Demon Spiritualist, Fighter ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Health Points: 100K ]

[ Soul Force: 150 ]

[ Battle Power: 22,226 ]

[ Class Features:


Third Eye

Aura of Trust ]

[ Allies: Ming Faction of the Sacred Family ]

[ Equipment ] (Hidden)

[ Description: An orphan taken into the Sacred Family to be trained in the art of espionage. Zheng Pingru's job is to either recruit talent into the Sacred Family or assassinate them, all for the goal of strengthening her master - Elder Shen Ming ]

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