Chapter no.32 God and Human

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The process to get into the Holy Orchid Institute was straightforward.

You'd enter a private room, reveal your soul realm and the amount of soul force you had using a soul crystal, and then the examiners would jot down your results.

Based on that, you'd get your class tag and the key to your dorm room.

Standing in one such room, Nie Li couldn't help but notice its resemblance to the grander soul realm ceremony hall, just on a smaller scale.

"Please come up, young master," one of the examiners called out.

Nie Li couldn't suppress a confident smile as he stepped forward, catching the examiners off-guard with his demeanor.

With a confident smile, Nie Li approached, aware of the surprised looks his demeanor elicited. This confidence likely hinted at a strong soul realm, sparking curiosity among the examiners.

Many wondered why families bothered with a soul realm ceremony before the admission exams, knowing well that talents could be assessed during the exams themselves. The reason was simple: no family wanted to showcase their prodigies too openly, risking them being snatched up by rivals.

Hence, talents were often given special training before the exams to mask their true capabilities, presenting an average soul force amount and a dimmed color.

Yet, other telltale signs like arrogance, ego, and confidence weren't as easily concealed.

When Nie Li placed his hand on the crystal, the room was bathed in a bright red light, causing the initially excited examiners to dismiss him as just another overconfident youth.

Their attention snapped back, however, when they noted his soul force amount: 70. The shock on their faces was palpable.

"How does someone with a supposedly useless talent have 70 soul force?" they murmured among themselves, their curiosity piqued.

Nie Li reveled in their astonishment, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Young master Nie Li, your class will be the Fighter rank class," the examiner announced after regaining composure, handing over the dorm key.

As Nie Li left, the whispers continued behind him.

"Could he be an orange soul realm, having masked his true color?"

"I doubt it; that shade of red doesn't seem like it could be faked."

"Then how does a red soul realm possess so much soul force?"

Nie Li, overhearing this, smirked to himself. "If they knew my soul force was actually 300, their jaws would hit the floor," he thought, chuckling at the prospect.

But his amusement was cut short.

As he opened the door to leave, he froze.

There, right in front of Nie Li, stood Lu Piao—his future best friend, the person who had made the ultimate sacrifice for him in his previous life.

Nie Li was at a loss.

He had known that sooner or later he'd cross paths with Lu Piao, but he hadn't expected it to happen so suddenly.

He found himself completely unprepared, with not even a greeting rehearsed for this moment.

His mind went blank.

How does one even begin a conversation with someone who was their closest ally in another life, someone who had died so that he could live, especially when that person has no memory of any of those events? Only Nie Li carried the weight of those memories.

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