Chapter no.62 In the Dark part 3

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In Glory City, a man's words are intertwined with his honor, his reputation, and even his capabilities.

There's a saying that goes, "If a man can't fulfill his own word, he's seen as less than nothing, mere trash."

This harsh judgment reflects the weight given to one's promises and declarations. Fulfilling one's word isn't just a matter of personal pride; it's a cornerstone of trust and respect in a society that values strength above all.


The council room fell into a deep silence, every eye fixed on Shen Xiu.

She was in a position to ask for anything, and the family was bound to fulfill her request.

Most of the elders quietly sighed in relief, grateful they hadn't done anything to offend her.

They knew she had the power to make life difficult for them with just a single wish. Despite this, a sense of readiness filled the room.

If Shen Xiu desired their positions, they were prepared to defend their status, even against the Patriarch himself.

After all, they reasoned, Shen Xiu had made significant contributions to the family, but hadn't they done the same?

This was the thought that echoed in everyone's mind as they awaited Shen Xiu's response.

"Patriarch, I would like the Flying Dragon Pill," Shen Xiu stated, her voice cutting through the tense silence.

A collective sigh of relief swept through the council room.

No one objected, recognizing that it was only natural for someone to seek strength, and the Flying Dragon Pill was a renowned resource for achieving just that.

"That can be arranged. What is your second wish?" Shen Hong inquired, his tone neutral yet expectant.

Shen Xiu's gaze shifted to Elder Shen Ming, who visibly tensed under her scrutiny.

A sneer crossed her face, eliciting sympathetic glances from around the council towards Shen Ming.

"Patriarch, a month ago, I was tasked with arranging the marriage between young master Shen Yue and Ye Ziyun. During this assignment, Elder Shen Ming sought to exploit his authority, attempting to coerce me into his bed. I consider this a direct affront to the Patriarch's honor, suggesting Elder Ming sees himself fit to be the Patriarch's brother-in-law." Shen Xiu's voice was steady, her accusation grave. "For my second wish, I demand that my brother uphold the honor that Elder Shen Ming has sullied."

Shen Xiu's words were carefully chosen, painting Shen Ming not just as a womanizer—a trait that had been overlooked due to his contributions to the family—but as someone who had egregiously overstepped his bounds.

Among the council, Shen Ming was known to be the least powerful, his position precarious.

Now, Shen Xiu was explicitly not asking the Patriarch, but her brother, to restore her honor, a request that carried an unspoken but clear implication: she was asking for Shen Ming's life.

Shen Ming, in a state of panic and disbelief, stood up abruptly, his voice cracking as he screamed, "Patriarch, have I not contributed enough to this family?"

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