3.) Wedding Preparations

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The next thing I knew I was in a dressing room preparing my dress out. I walked into the shop and looked around at all the fancy poofy dresses there were. "Mrs. DiCaprio come right this way. Jason has already picked out your dress."


I can't even pick out my own dress for a wedding that IM being forced into! I walked over with the women who were leading me gushing about Jason. I did not want to be married because I just got out of a ridiculous relationship with this disgusting boy. Even if I wanted to be married I at least wanted to pick out my own dress. I wanted one like my mother's.

At least the dress was cute.

It fit my body perfectly but I didn't know about the big cut in between the bottom of my dress. "Mr. DiCaprio might have some changes to the dress but you have the perfect body for this miss." One of the ladies gushed at me a lot and enjoyed my presence most of the time.

Then Jason walked into the shop. The same features about him. Icy blue eyes, pitch black hair, suit, and cold expression. The people helping me backed away quickly and bowed at him. He pointed out a few things about my dress.

Tighten the cut at the top. Close the cut at the bottom and puff it out. Lace finishing. Longer veil.

Who was he to comment about my clothing. I glared at him and turned away. There was no point in looking at him. "Look at me." I heard a cold voice say behind me. I turned to face him and he had an empty expression on his face that looked ready to kill somebody.

He took my hand and slowly placed a ring on i

He took my hand and slowly placed a ring on i

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Annalise's ring

"You see this." He said pointing down to my hand. "This means you're bonded to me." 

I just pulled my hand away and he scowled at me. I was not binded to anyone and I never will be. I watched as the maids made adjustments to my corset and bottom and I could barely breathe. This corset was way too damn tight and I'd wouldn't be able to breathe.

"Just have the dress to me before the wedding date." Jason said before walking out of the shop and back into the limo. The maids finished my fitting and overall the dress came out lovely I liked it but I would like to also breathe in my dress.

I walked out the shop and Jason's driver beeped the horn. I rolled my eyes and got in the car. "Took you long enough." Jason said rolling his eyes and scrolling on his phone. "Well you wanted all these fancy changes so deal with it." I replied back sassily. Because who the fuck does he think I am.

Jason then grabbed me by my chin and pulled me closer. "Listen girl I'm not your fat ass father and you're gonna learn to respect me." I back away slowly and he put his arm around me pulling me closer. "Did I make myself clear?" He said looking me dead in the eyes.

I was personally scared because my dad warned me about his anger so I just nodded and he let me go. I felt slightly dirty because I didn't appreciate the way he touched me.

"Don't forget principessa viziata your my wife now."

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