01 David

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David POV.

I pick Dannie out of the bathtub and onto the bed, ready for another round, when suddenly my phone rings.


I look up from her lips, frowning, and reach angrily for the phone on the bedside table.

It turns out to be Bella's call.

I stand up and walk to the window, changing my tone to answer the phone, "Darling."

My wife's gentle and weak voice comes through the phone, "David, you're back from overseas today, when will you be home? I've prepared a table of your favorite dishes."

I freeze, and turn to look at the naked body on the bed, which is covered with hickeys from passionate sex.

I suddenly feel guilty and say, "I'm on my way, I'll be there soon."

My wife says goodbye gently, then hangs up the phone.

I return to the bed and immediately put on my clothes. Dannie sits up naked and leans against the pillow.

She looks at me calmly, her tone is like a condescending "client" who has taken advantage of a prostitute, "Your wife wants you to go back?"

I furrow my brow, "None of your business."

"Just asking," Dannie smiles, "When's the next time?"

I put my right hand on the doorknob, turning my head coldly, "We'll see."

Dannie smiles again, and half-close her eyes, "Then you better make an appointment in advance, I've got a lot things going on at the gallery lately."

I impatiently push the door open.

Bella is my first love, my wife. We come from similar backgrounds, started dating in college.

Then we had a car accident while driving. I lost part of my memory and she became disabled in her lower limbs.

But everyone says I love her very much, so when she didn't wake up, I often sat by her bedside, hoping for a miracle.

Later, we got married.

Bella has trouble walking and relies mainly on a wheelchair, but it's not like she can't have sex.

I'm nice and considerate to her, but I have never slept with her.

When you love a woman, you will long to possess her, but I don't know why, every time I see her, I feel tired, as if my heart is a pool of stagnant water.

But that's never a reason for me to cheat.

I first noticed Dannie because my friend moved to a new place and wanted to buy some paintings from a gallery. I accompanied him.

The gallery owner introduced us to Dannie, a young artist who had rapidly gained fame in recent years for her beautiful paintings that are high collectible.

Then I searched her name on my phone, and many people referred to her as the most beautiful artist.

Looking at her photos, I thought netizens were exaggerating; but when I looked into her eyes, my heart suddenly tightened.

I didn't know why I felt heart palpitations.

Later, my friend bought one of her paintings.

On the day of his housewarming party, I brought a gift and as soon as I entered, I saw Dannie.

Dannie looked up, then wide-eyed in surprise.

My friend introduced her to everyone, saying not only was Dannie beautiful, but she was also an amazing painter. Then he took everyone to admire the huge painting hanging in the living room.

Everyone praised it, and Dannie wasn't shy, joking that whoever wanted to buy a painting could come to her.

I observed her consciously or unconsciously, and I always felt that I had seen her somewhere, but couldn't remember where.

That day, until the party was over, Dannie didn't say a word to me.

In the following days, I often thought of her, and even asked someone to investigate her, only to find out that Dannie had attended the same university as me.

No wonder I felt like I had seen her somewhere.

After that, I got busy with work and forgot about Dannie.

But one winter day, Dannie stood in front of me, her hair carefully styled, her face exquisitely made up, but her eyes and expression made me feel a little uncomfortable.

I didn't know what that uncomfortable feeling was until Dennie spoke up - Dennie told me, somewhat flirtatiously, that she wanted to sleep with me.

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