09 David

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David POV.

I drive back to the hospital.

Bella is still in the ward, sound asleep.

I sit quietly by her bed, watching her pale face, trying hard to recall the moments of love between us before I lost my memory, but I can't remember anything.

But one cannot use amnesia as an excuse to deny the love once given. That would be betrayal.

I raise my hand and gently stroke Bella's hair.

With her eyes closed, the liquid from the IV drips silently into her body. Those medications sustain Bella's life.

I feel guilty. I've driven Bella to the brink of suicide, what else do I want?

I must try to fall in love with Bella again.

As for Dannie... When her figure disappeared from my sight, my heart stung.

I feel like I've discarded something important, but now I can only pretend I've never met her.

Bella sleeps for a long time under the influence of the drugs.

When she opens her eyes, waves of fear and panic surge in them. It's not until she sees me by her side that she gradually calms down.

She reaches out to me and softly says, "You're back."

"Yeah." I hold her cold fingers, touch her forehead, and bend down, saying, "Are you hungry? The doctor said you can eat now that you're awake. What would you like?"

Bella smiles, a tear glistening in the corner of her eye.

Christmas is coming.After Bella is discharged, we start decorating the Christmas tree together every day at home.

The tree is six meters tall, and Bella directs while I stand on the ladder, hanging bells and ribbons according to her instructions.

Guests to our house all admire it.

Now the house is also filled with flowers I buy for Bella every day after work. Bella plants the fresh rose branches in the soil, and they grow roots in the greenhouse.

No one mentions the affair I had anymore; everyone is happy.

I play the role of a repentant husband every day, feeling desolate inside. Bella is my responsibility. When our hair turns white, we'll still be together, and then we'll be buried in the same grave.

As for Dannie, she's become a stranger to me.

New Year's Day is approaching. Bella is sunbathing in the greenhouse, and I cover her legs with a blanket.

My phone suddenly rings, it's our college friend Eithan.

"David, guess what? I'm getting married."

"You don't even have a girlfriend, where did the bride come from?"

"I fell in love with her at first sight, and we've decided to have a flash marriage."

I laugh, "So you're calling me to ask for a wedding gift?"

"No, no, it's too early for that," Eithan laughs too, "I'm proposing to her this Saturday, do you want to come and give your blessings in person?"

I glance at Bella, who is curiously looking at me.

"Eithan is proposing this weekend," I cover the phone receiver and whisper to her, "Should we go together?"

Bella's eyes widen with excitement, "Yes."

On Saturday, I drive Bella to a garden villa in the suburbs. It's quiet here, with beautiful gardens, scattered trees, and the sound of springs.

Bella turns to me and asks, "Is this where Eithan is proposing?"

"Yes, don't you like it?" I push Bella's wheelchair forward.

"Considering Eithan's personality... he's such sociable..."

I chuckle as I explain, "I also thought he would decorate the house like a pub, but his girlfriend is shy and doesn't like that kind of setting."

"Then how did they get together?" Bella asks curiously.

I smile, "Love is compromise."

It's still early, and the leading lady hasn't arrived yet.

I take Bella through the long corridor to greet Eithan first. He's wearing a black suit, squatting in front of a doghouse, talking to a golden retriever.

The retriever is also dressed in a black suit, ears perked up, listening intently, looking very serious.

It's unexpectedly amusing.

As I approach, I notice Eithan is holding a basket with a ring box inside. "Are you having the dog deliver the ring to your girlfriend?" I ask.

Eithan turns, greets me and Bella, then he says, "What do you think? Isn't it creative?"

Bella reaches out to pat the retriever's head, and it immediately takes two steps forward to rub against Bella's leg. I move Bella's wheelchair to a spacious area where the retriever can run around her.

"How did you train him?" I ask Eithan.

"With treats, I've been training him for a month."

"You're really dedicated," I give him a thumbs up.

Eithan scratches his head, laughing, "I learned from you. Remember in college when you used drones to confess to Bella? You also prepared for a month or two, right? You didn't tell me, but who am I? I guessed you were going to confess to Bella, and it happened to be her birthday that day. David, you're really something."

Really? But why do I have no recollection of any of this?

"Besides the drones, did I prepare anything else?" I grab his arm and ask.

"There was also a necklace, heart-shaped. I saw it on your desk in the dorm."

But I don't remember giving Bella a heart-shaped necklace, nor have I ever seen her wear one.

Perhaps Bella has too many pieces of jewelry? Or maybe my taste is bad, she accepted it but didn't like it, so she kept it in her vanity box?

Eithan checks his watch, grabs a box of petals and hands it to me, "My girlfriend is coming soon. After I put the ring on her finger, there will be music, and you'll be behind me scattering petals, okay, bro?"

I nod.

The proposal goes smoothly, and afterward, we have a party in the garden until late at night.

I've been thinking about the necklace the whole time. On the way home, I bring it up to Bella.

She freezes in the passenger seat, silent for a while.

I glance at her, thinking she might be uncomfortable, so I pull over and ask, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." Bella lowers her head, gripping her pants tightly with her fingers, her voice trembling slightly, "Nothing. I, I lost the necklace."

I'm silent for a moment. "So I did give you the necklace?"

Bella nods heavily.

I stroke her hair, "It's okay, don't be upset."

I start the car and drive home in silence.

It's only when we're almost home that Bella suddenly speaks up, "David."


"That necklace was the one you gave me when you confessed to me." Bella's gaze carries a hint of apology, "I'm sorry, when we moved houses after we got married, I didn't know where I put it, and later I couldn't find it."

I patiently reassure her and carry her upstairs to get ready for bed.

But I can't explain why, when I lay in bed, all I can think about is that necklace that I can no longer remember.

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