08 David

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David POV.

The place I'm going to is the hospital.

When Bella got home, she was very calm. She asked the housekeeper to push her into the study, then broke a glass bottle and used the shards to attempt suicide. The housekeeper discovered it in time and called an ambulance.

When I arrive at the hospital, Bella's wound has already been stitched up. It's not deep, her physical condition is fine, but her mental state is unstable, so the doctor gave her a sedative, and she fell asleep.

I watch Bella by the bedside, her face pale, and an IV drip hanging from her thin arm.

I should feel sorry for her, but now my heart is full of anger.

Bella found Dannie behind my back and went to see her privately. Then she came home and attempted suicide, joking with her own life, and made it known to everyone.

I clench my fists, but the anger has nowhere to go.

I turn and walk out the door. The housekeeper is at the door of the ward and bows respectfully as I come out.

"Sir," she says.

I grit my teeth. "What exactly happened?"

The housekeeper sighs. "Madam hasn't been in a good mood lately, as you know. So this morning, she said she wanted the driver to take her out for a change of scenery and told me not to follow."

"Then she had the driver take her to the gallery, to pick up... Miss. Dannie. The driver said they didn't say anything on the way there, they just went to a café to talk. The driver was outside, and he could see Madam through the glass wall. She seemed normal at first, but then she lost control of her emotions, stood up, and argued with Miss. Dannie."

"Then the driver went in to check, and when he entered, he only heard Miss. Dannie say, 'You can't make love.'"

I frown deeply. How could Dannie say something like that? And where did she get information about Bella's health from?

I feel like I must hear Dannie's explanation, but just as I'm about to dial her number on my phone, both Bella's parents and my parents arrived.

My father raises his hand and slaps me, while my mother stands nearby, wiping tears.

Bella's mother is also crying, her voice choked and hoarse. "It was you who wanted to marry my daughter in the first place. How could you do such a thing now? How can you face her!"

My face is hot, but this slap is what I deserve. I'm just a despicable betrayer.

Strangely, as I look at the four elders present, the long-standing pressure in my heart since the affair seems to lighten a bit.

Bella's father is equally grim. And just as I wait for another slap from him, the door to the ward suddenly opens.

"Mom, Dad," Bella turns to her father, her gaze cold. "Who let you come?"

"This is between me and David, it has nothing to do with you."

Her mother covers her mouth and weeps, and Bella's expression becomes even colder. "Go away. This is a matter between me and David, you don't need to meddle."


Today is a sunny day.

After Bella sends her parents away, she returns to the ward, leaving only the two of us inside.

She walks to the bedside, intending to pull open the curtains with her uninjured hand.

I quickly say, "I'll do it," and then ask her to rest on the bed.

The winter sunlight suddenly pours in, and a chill spread through my body.

When I heard from the housekeeper what Bella had done, I felt angry and helpless, and at some moment, my hatred for Bella surpassed my guilt towards her.

But it was still her, standing by my side when our parents interrogated me.

My heart hurts.

I turn to Bella. She holds my hand, smiles faintly, and whispers, "David, I was wrong. I won't attempt suicide again and cause trouble for you. I won't interfere with your life outside. I'm not a normal woman anymore, but you are a normal man. I shouldn't have..."

Bella's eyes are filled with shimmering tears as she chokes out, "I only ask one thing of you, don't abandon me."

My mind is suddenly shaken. Guilt crashes down like a collapsing wall, burying me in rubble.

Bella is now very calm. She speaks in a calm tone, blaming herself for losing control of her emotions with Dannie. She says, "It's my fault. Dannie just mentioned the fact that I lost my sexual ability, and I panicked... I shouldn't have done that, it's so embarrassing."

My ears are ringing. I admit, I'm becoming more and more lenient towards Dannie now, but no matter what, she shouldn't have said such words to Bella. It's like she's stabbing Bella's heart with a knife.

Bella is getting tired, weakly closing her eyes. I stay with her for a while, tuck her in, then leave the room.

I smoke two cigarettes, calming down a bit and call Dannie.

It's noisy on Dannie's end of the call, she says she's on a bus. So, I arrange to meet her near a bus stop.

Dannie gets off the bus and sees my car, walking over.

She doesn't open the passenger door, instead, she stands outside and takes out her wallet.

I get out of the car, frowning at her.

She stops what she's doing with her wallet and looks up at me. "You first," she says.

I ask, "Did Bella come to see you?"

"Yeah," Dannie nods.

"What did you talk about?"

A hint of guilt flashes in Dannie's eyes as she lowers her head and says softly, "She said she already knew about your affair outside, with me."

I look at her trembling eyelashes, feeling something choking in my throat. But I hold it for a long time, finally asking, "Do you know about her loss of sexual ability?"

Dannie is stunned for a moment, purses her lips, and after a few seconds nods gently, "I know."

So you used this to humiliate her?

I restrain my anger, take a deep breath, and try to keep calm. "Did you talk about her sexual ability?"

"Yeah." Dannie hangs her head even lower, her fingers trembling as she grips her wallet.

So that's it.

No wonder Bella reacted so violently when she returned home today. Dannie's actions have crossed my bottom line.

Even if I no longer love Bella, I cannot tolerate a woman who suddenly enters my life to humiliate her like this.

Now I have the urge to tear her apart. My fists clench, and my knuckles crack.

But I ultimately say, "You should be grateful I don't hit women."

Dannie takes a half step back, smiles bitterly, takes out a card from her wallet, and hands it to me. "This is the card you gave me last time, you let me spend it freely. Shall we end our relationship today? You've been supporting me, and I've spent your money, a total of $90,000. Now I return the card to you, and I won't come to you again in the future."

Then she jumps onto the bus, disappearing from my sight.

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