18 Dannie

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Dannie POV.

I respond to him by slamming door.

Originally, I wanted to reserve some respect for David. We can't be lovers anymore, but at least we can still be friends. Maybe someday in the future, when we meet on the street, we can smile and say hi to each other.

But his attempt to kiss me today was simply offensive. From now on, I won't even let him take another step.

On Monday morning, I go to the supermarket to buy groceries. When I return home and am drinking water, Asher suddenly knocks on my door from outside.

"Aren't you going to class today?" I ask him after opening the door.

"I don't have class today," he replies.

He also has a guitar strapped to his back today, looking a bit exaggerated. "Do you know I came to see you five times yesterday? five times!"

"I figured since you usually don't like going out, you might be starving to death at home. I almost climbed in through your window."

I don't understand the connection between me starving and him climbing through the window, so after thinking for a moment, I say, "I met your mom at the supermarket, she said you only came three times."

"She remembered wrong, it was five times."

I nod and say, "Okay."

A few seconds later, Asher widens his eyes, "Just 'okay'?"

I am rearranging paints and turn to look at him, "What else?"

Asher meets my gaze and suddenly starts to stutter, "Nothing, let's exchange contact information, just in case I come looking for you and you're not here next time."

I don't quite understand what he means by coming to find me next time, but I still give him my phone number.

Asher's WhatsApp background is a cornfield, with Asher standing in the middle and smiling.

"Is this the field at your school?" I remember he is an agriculture student.

Asher shakes his head, "This was taken when I was doing fieldwork in Mississippi."


"Yeah, our school has fieldwork projects every year, for one or two months, for credits."

"That's good," I say.

The photo is all green, completely different from the bustling scenes of the city, making people feel relaxed.

Asher then asks, "Stop talking about me. By the way, why did you come here? Do you run away from home?"

I remain silent.

"Or did you break up with boyfriend and come here to clear your mind?"

Upon hearing the word "breakup," I first freeze, then shake my head, "No."

"Okay," Asher mimics me and concludes, "You've never been in a relationship."

"Not exactly," I change the subject, "Are you here to play the guitar and sing?"

Asher's eyes light up as he picks up the guitar.

But I don't understand music, I can only catch the rhythm. Every song he sings, I say it is great.

As lunchtime approaches, the black and white cat I often feed suddenly appears on the windowsill. Then the new cat also appears. Did they get along so well so quickly?

I can't believe it.

The two cats hear the music in the room and meow along.

Asher points at them and asks, "If cats could sing, would you also say great?"

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