Urgent Recruitment: How to Win a War pt 2

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361: Anonymous Strategist

If you're a Juggernaut main, you might want to choose the Mobile Warfare Doctrine.

362: Anonymous Strategist

Nah, nah, it's hard to get rid of the Superior Firepower Doctrine. You can't use aircraft, so you'll have to choose Shock and Awe.

363: Marshal

"Deprivation of Human Rights for Colorata" is over, it's time for Great Purge!

364: Anonymous Strategist

Stability is going to go kapuf.

365: Anonymous Strategist

I know it's cheap, but are you really doing that now?

366: Anonymous Strategist

Ideally, I'd like to purge the person who proposed the deprivation of rights for Coloratas bill, but I doubt it.

367: Anonymous Strategist

I think a coup d'état would work.

368: Marshal

What's that?

369: Anonymous Strategist

Coup, French. I say that because the Republic of San Magnolia seems to be similar to France.

370: Anonymous Strategist

I don't think it's worth it though. Without civilian control and all those clauses, you cannot (and shouldn't) become a politician now and run for Prime Minister.

371: Marshal

Too long.

372: Anonymous Strategist

Well, you have a point.

373: Anonymous Strategist

I don't blame you. Let's focus on the inside of the military now.

374: Marshal

Who to purge?


375: Anonymous Strategist

By the way, what's the current National Focus?

376: Marshal

I don't think it needs to be said, but it's "The Great Purge".

377: Anonymous Strategist

Well, he did say that the Great Purge is about to begin.

378: Anonymous Strategist

Think of a people who will be purged at a low price.

379: Anonymous Strategist

Purge the incompetent Handlers and the defeat will be slow.

380: Anonymous Strategist

The designer of the Juggernaut is no better, execute them for developing that trash.

381: Anonymous Strategist

It's a safe bet that you'll have to clean up the old guard in the military.

382: Anonymous Strategist

Everyone gets the boot!!

383: Anonymous Strategist

I vote for Handlers.

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