[TO BATTLE] Major Offensive Response HQ [Get Ready] pt 2

38 9 0

372: Anonymous Strategist

Get on with the rearmament, we gotta be wicked about it.

373: Anonymous Strategist

Rocket! Missiles! Anti-tank rifles! Molotov cocktails! We've got all kinds of anti-tank weapons!

374: Marshal

Guided missiles... are good... they are kinda underused...

375: Anonymous Strategist

Ballistic missiles should work, right?

376: Anonymous Strategist

I feel like they worked before.

377: Anonymous Strategist

Guided missiles and ballistic missiles work differently.

378: Marshal

Ballistic missiles can be used as long as the Jammers don't build a wall in the air.

379: Anonymous Strategist

If you spread out the numbers, there's no problem.

380: Marshal

The problem is... that... we don't have enough operators to spread out the numbers at all.

381: Anonymous Strategist

Drafting not going well?

382: Anonymous Strategist

Well, people usually hate it, you know.

383: Anonymous Strategist

No one wants to go into a place where they say it's about unemployment.

384: Anonymous Strategist

>>383 Lena...

385: Anonymous Strategist

Lena is an exception, not the rule.

386: Anonymous Strategist

She joined with noble aspirations and a sense of duty.

387: Anonymous Strategist

Although noble aspirations are dismissed as playing saint, it seems.

388: Marshal

We're pushing propaganda like crazy but it's not working at all. Veterans are coming back, but we're not getting enough new recruits.

389: Anonymous Strategist

Too many people have the mentality of "leave the war to the Eighty-Six."

390: Anonymous Strategist

National Spirit: Eighty-Six

391: Anonymous Strategist

Manpower: -99%

392: Marshal

Actually it's -90%, so moumantai (no problem).

393: Anonymous Strategist

Nothing but problems.

394: Anonymous Strategist

I've never heard of -90%.

395: Anonymous Strategist

I think the only countries that can operate a decent army with a -90% manpower debuff are the US or the USSR.

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