[CELEBRATION] Completion of the Gran Mur [Congrats]

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[CELEBRATION] Completion of the Gran Mur [Congrats]

1: Anonymous Strategist

This is a thread where I, the Supreme Commander of the Republic, seek the wisdom of honorable gentlemen to bring victory to our glorious Republic.

- Trolls will be ignored.

- Feel free to discuss.

- Life is precious

- Let's give it our all.

Reference Material:

→ Dengeki Bunko's "86 – Eighty-Six"

2: Anonymous Strategist


3: Anonymous Strategist

Well done for creating the thread.

4: Marshal

Rejoice! The Gran Mur is completed!

5: Anonymous Strategist


6: Anonymous Strategist

Good work.

7: Anonymous Strategist

But what about the future operational rate?

8: Anonymous Strategist

You mustn't get complacent

9: Marshal

Yeah, to avoid complacency, I have begun construction on the second Gran Mur.

10: Anonymous Strategist

Morpho will defeat them all at once anyway, so why waste time.

11: Anonymous Strategist

Yeah, probably.

12: Anonymous Strategist

I don't think the White Pigs can manage maintenance.

13: Marshal

Taking into account the possibility of being defeated by Morpho, the second Gran Mur will be built underground.

14: Anonymous Strategist


15: Marshal

Like the Maginot Line.

16: Anonymous Strategist

That Maginot Line?

17: Anonymous Strategist

Was it bypassed because it wasn't long enough?

18: Anonymous Strategist

That Maginot Line?

19: Anonymous Strategist

>>16>>17>>18 The Germans would have won if they had met it head on, so don't go there.

20: Anonymous Strategist

Even the Gustav Dora was designed to attack the Maginot Line.

21: Marshal

Yeah, the Maginot Line served its purpose as an excellent defense position as long as it wasn't bypassed.

22: Anonymous Strategist

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