[INTO BATTLE] Major Offensive Response HQ [Be Prepared] pt 5

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Hello everyone, it's been a while... Over the past two years, various things have happened, and I've been away from fanfictions for a while. It maybe a bold request, but I hope for your continued support in the future.

- Aizen Power


"Um, well, you know..."

"Sir, your microphone is on."


The Marshal let out a slightly surprised voice, simultaneously feeling very troubled. After all, in such a shitty country where such a dictatorship was imposed along with discrimination, he hadn't thought for a moment that they, the discriminated race, would come back, so he hadn't prepared anything. Normally, upon returning from a special reconnaissance mission, the Processors would proceed directly to the window at the base of the Gran Mur, submit physical evidence such as the mission orders and proof of mission completion like photographs, and then be escorted to the office where they would be awarded the Order of the Third-Class Merit and citizenship.

But could he really send them back without any proper commendation, especially after enduring against the hundred Legions and successfully defeating the enemy commander along with the latest model Legion?

"By authority and honor of the Republic's Interim President, the representative of San Magnolia, and Marshal of the Grande Armée of the Republic, Marshal of the Republic Armed Forces, medals are hereby awarded to the 1st Defense Unmanned Squadron 'Spearhead' of the Republic Eastern Front, War Zone 1."

No, he couldn't.

Doing such a thing would be a complete loss of face for the Republic.

When the Marshal heard that the fifteen regiments he had dispatched had returned, and at the same time, the Spearhead Squadron had dutifully presented themselves at the window, he was about to spit out the coffee he had in his mouth. He had thought the Spearhead Squadron would definitely go to the Federal Republic of Giad, so he hadn't prepared any medals or anything.

In a panic, he grabbed his coat and cap, still holding his stamp and coffee, rushed to the personnel department, called for his aides and bodyguards, and as soon as the personnel department issued the medals, he snatched them and headed to the Gran Mur in the car.

"Corporal Shinei Nouzen! Step forward!"


And so the Marshal stood here. This was the lowest level of the Gran Mur. He hastily set up a makeshift podium at the construction materials loading area a little beyond the window, with off-duty workers as the audience, and nailed the national flag that had been sleeping in the depths of the warehouse to the wall, creating an impromptu award ceremony venue.

"You have demonstrated with your outstanding work and courage that you are worthy of becoming a hero of the Republic. Therefore, here are awarded the Order of Hero of the Republic and the Order of First-Class Merit."

With a coffee mug in one hand, he declared, and one of the bodyguards placed the medal on a piece of wood covered with red cloth, stepping towards Shin.


The medal on the board was incredibly magnificent. Shin, who was usually calm, or rather suspected of being emotionless, couldn't help but let out a sound. The sparkling gems were scattered like flowers, gently enveloped by threads of pure gold. It was truly as if the ideals of the Republic of San Magnolia had taken form. The ideals of the Republic from the time when it had loved all its people equally.

"This is the Order of Hero of the Republic. It is one of the highest-ranking medals awarded by the Republic, and it is not given without considerable merit," whispered the aide in a black suit to Shin as he took the medal from the board and pinned it to his khaki jacket.

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