[INTO BATTLE] Major Offensive Response HQ [Be Prepared] pt 4

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Thank you for the long wait!!!!! Please forgive the rushed ending towards the end...

- Aizen Power


Eight Juggernaut Mod units and one Dreadnought moved through the forest. There was not a single Legion to block their path, and it was eerily quiet, with only the noisy engine sounds scattered by the Spearhead Squadron's machines echoing around.

"It's quiet... something's not right," Shin muttered.

No voices could be heard, not even the voices of the dead that were constantly heard even at the frontline base. Despite the Legion lurking deep and supposedly closer than ever, there was nothing to be heard.

"Come to think of it... we haven't seen the Legion even once since we departed."

"That's strange... according to the map, they should be around here..."

No matter how much they looked around, there was no sign of anything other than trees and animals. It was just relentlessly peaceful.

"Don't let your guard down, they might be watching from the shadows."

With that said, they simply continued to move forward.

Unaware of the threat lurking in the shadows...

"Report. Code Name: Báleygr located. Proceeding to attack."

. . .

Conference Room 2, National Defense Agency

"That route won't work! There are too many obstacles."

"Then how about this one? There are fewer Electronic Disruption types, so we can deploy observation balloons."

"Look where you're going on the ground, fool. Do you intend to charge into a minefield!?"

"What about this route? We can quickly deploy troops by utilizing the high-speed railway."

"Using the high-speed railway? Don't you know the tracks are so worn out they're practically unusable?"

The Marshal, several generals, and their respective staff engaged in heated debate over their proposed strategic plans. To defeat the enigmatic long-range cannon, they employed all their knowledge and imagination to anticipate various scenarios and find ways to overcome them. Even they couldn't anticipate the unimaginable.

"Your Excellency! We have an emergency!"

A junior officer burst in, kicking the door open, clutching a telegram in hand. The generals all turned their attention toward the door, glaring at the officer.

"What's the matter?" the Marshal looked up and asked the man.

"We've received reports from the Legion Forecasting Center regarding a large-scale Legion movement on the Eastern Front."

"What's the scale?"

One of the generals quickly inquired.

"According to tracking via the Black Sheep... ten divisions (100.000 units)."

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