[SCARY] I Was Almost Assassinated? [Why, tho?]

49 11 1

I bought all 86 volumes today, but they're quite heavy...

- Aizen Power


1: Anonymous Strategist

This is a thread where I, the Supreme Commander of the Republic, seek the wisdom of honorable gentlemen to bring victory to our glorious Republic.

- Trolls will be ignored.

- Feel free to discuss.

- Life is precious

- Let's give it our all.

Reference Material:

→ Dengeki Bunko's "86 – Eighty-Six"

2: Anonymous Strategist


3: Anonymous Strategist


4: Anonymous Strategist

Welcome to the thread.

5: Marshal

Good work.

Just getting straight to the point, but I almost got assassinated??

6: Anonymous Strategist


7: Anonymous Strategist

So that's what happens.

8: Anonymous Strategist

Can't blame them.

9: Marshal

Screw y'all.

10: Anonymous Strategist

Well, when you've killed tens of millions of people, you're bound to have an assassination attempt or two.

11: Anonymous Strategist

Even Hitler was almost assassinated, and there are still assassination theories about Stalin.

12: Anonymous Strategist

>>9 So? What was it like?

13: Anonymous Strategist

The gall of you to ask the victim about the situation at the time of the incident.

14: Anonymous Strategist

I'm not impressed by that, nor do I admire it.

15: Marshal

On my way home from work, I saw a group of guys wearing black clothes and masks that I've only seen in movies hanging out in a back alley, like something out of a movie. Scary stuff. Need to strengthen enforcement.

16: Anonymous Strategist


17: Anonymous Strategist

Shouldn't you have run away at that point?

18: Marshal

So, I kept walking for a while, then someone called out to me from behind, and when I turned around, it was those guys from earlier.

19: Marshal

Then they said something and pulled out their guns.

20: Anonymous Strategist

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