[URGENT] Incoming Major Offensive [Intercept] part 4

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Sorry for the slow posting lately...

- Aizen Power


"The superheavy interceptor cannons will be fully loaded in ten minutes! After engaging with the enemy, the interceptor cannons will transition from fixed barrage firing to mobile barrage firing. They will continue shelling until the end of the battle, and after completing the encirclement, they will switch to shelling the surrounded enemy group. Interception gun control, out."

"To all units, communication via radio is impossible during combat with the Legion. Therefore, after engaging, switch communication to Para-RAID as per the training protocol. 1st Army Group Headquarters, out."

With a strange silence, the Grande Armée continued its advance. Amidst the night, the pitch-black forces advanced towards the great enemy with shells and fury. Hydraulic legs stomped the earth, and red camera lenses reflected the moonlight, emitting eerie gazes. Everything was for victory, everything was for the Republic, for the Marshal. 80 divisions, 800.000 soldiers united under the righteous cause of victory. They rallied under the flag of the Republic, under the banner of the Marshal.

"1st Army to the 1st Army Group Headquarters, enemy presence detected ahead. Switching to Para-RAID communication."

"1st Army Group Headquarters to all units, the vanguard group has engaged the enemy. Repeat, the vanguard group has engaged the enemy. Switch to Para-RAID; all further orders will be communicated through perception synchronization. 1st Army Group Headquarters, out."

With that order, the back of regular army soldiers' necks began to faintly glow. It was the Para-RAID device. Ten years had passed since the establishment of Para-RAID technology, yet there had been little improvement. Perception synchronization technology was attributed to Processors and Handlers, with the terminal on the Handler side being of decent quality, minimizing discomfort when equipped. In the future, more advanced versions would likely be deployed to both Handlers and regular army, as well as Processors.

A tingling pain surged through their heads, and immediately, the voices of surrounding soldiers became audible.

"Shit, it's so noisy. Who the fuck is shouting!?"

"Is it your first time? Greenhorn. Did you undergo training?"

The thoughts and voices of ten thousand people flooded into their heads. Did it feel particularly noisy to the inexperienced soldiers? Some of them shouted in surprise.

"Noisy, noisy! Stop shouting, listen to the orders!"

Upon hearing the angry voices from headquarters, the soldiers quickly subdued their surprised and other voices and listened attentively.

"This is the 1st Army Group Headquarters. A directive from Senior General Dominique Graziani! Commence the formation of the encirclement from now on! Move according to the instructions!"

The vanguard group had already penetrated into the midst of the Legion. Interception gun barrages rained down in front of the Grande Armée, pulverizing all evils that stood against the righteous forces. The 210 mm guns of the Dreadnought shattered the armored plates of surviving Löwe units, while the 90 mm guns of the Juggernaut pierced through enemy Grauwolf one after another. The Republic Feldreβ, which had undergone modifications, outperformed the Legion's machines; this was to be expected. The Republic's war machines—namely, the Dreadnought equipped with 210 mm heavy cannons and the Juggernaut equipped with 90 mm high-pressure guns—were developed later than the Legion's, essentially representing new weaponry. In contrast, the Legion's weaponry, except for internal programming, was outdated, developed over a decade ago. In peacetime, this might not matter, but a decade of technological advancement in wartime meant a fatal delay in weapon development competition.

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