Extra: A Day in the Life of a Retired Processor

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"Stand up, fellow citizens! The motherland needs you. With your strength, we will protect our beloved families and friends from the vile empire, the scum of humanity, and the savage Giad, preserving the fruits of our great revolution!"

The Marshal's speech continued to dribble on and on from the television.

Midway through 2149 Stellar Year. The National Defense Agency detected abnormal movements of the Legion, deeming it a precursor to a major offensive. Posters urging patriotism and encouraging enlistment in the military or registration for reserves were plastered all over the streets to confront the threat of the Giadian Empire.

It said, "The San Magnolia Armed Forces wants you!"

It said, "If I were an adult, I would have joined the army! Let's act like adults!"

It said, "Have you already registered for the reserves?"

There were so many variations that one could never get tired of seeing them.

"Seriously, if they could come up with such diverse ideas, they could at least improve the taste of synthetic food in the internment camps..."

A young man muttered to himself as he ate his breakfast, spread out newspapers on the table.

"Why did your fathers, husbands, and sons die? They died fighting against the evil of Giad! We must not cease our efforts to resist Giad; the moment our efforts cease will be the moment San Magnolia perishes!"

He was a Processor... or rather, an ex-Processor. He had fought on the front lines for five years, successfully completing a special reconnaissance mission and returning to civilian life as one of the Coloratas. It had been a while since his discharge, and he was feeling bored.

He had plenty of money, and thanks to his war medals, he received a pension as well. Even after buying a house, he still had excess. Of course, it was understandable; the tax-deducted salary for five years, including the bounty, amounted to a huge sum that couldn't be spent easily.

Now he spent his days working in an assigned weapons factory, mingling with the Alban workers. Life as a civilian had become more troublesome. When he was in the internment camp, he could say whatever he wanted, but now, if he said something wrong, his life would be in danger. Thanks to some pesky law called the Wartime Peace Preservation Act, everything felt cramped. Back when he was a pig, he didn't need to worry about such things!

During his time at the front, he clung to civilian life, but now he thought maybe life as a Processor wasn't so bad after all.

"...Thanks for the meal."

Eating alone was also lonely. Back when he was a Processor, he used to eat with his squad mates, making noise and having fun. He used to think it was noisy, but now, in the quiet, he felt unbearably lonely.

What are the others doing now? Are they like him, going to assigned workplaces during the day and attending night school, trying to reclaim their lost youth? He heard some of them used their grandparents' frozen assets to buy real estate and make a fortune. How truly enviable.

"Hey, Shin! ...Are you free today?"


The one-way communication from the Handlers to the Para-RAID was no longer coming. Rather, he was completely cut off from the military line and couldn't connect. But now that he thought about it, it was only natural.

"If you're free, want to grab a meal with everyone?"

"No, I'll pass for lunch."

"Aww! I already told everyone you're coming, Shin!"

"I'm free at night though. What do you say?" He said as he put on a light coat and donned his beret.

"Alright, let's do that. I'll let the others know. See you later, Warrant Officer Shin!"


"Death to Giad! Our revenge can only be fulfilled by the screams and dirges of the Giadian imperialists, by the deaths of Giadian citizens! Death to Giad!"

"Our hardships over these past dozen years are solely the responsibility of the Giadian Empire. Revenge against the Giadian Empire must be exacted. Death to Giad!"

"Rise up, oh great homeland! Rise up for the final battle! To the cursed barbarians, the scum of Giad! Revenge upon the Giadian imperialists! Victory and eternal glory to the Republic of San Magnolia!"

The repeated street broadcasts and speeches failed to stir patriotism but succeeded in arousing the Republic's people's desire for vengeance. Anti-Giadian sentiment permeated every corner of the Republic, to the point where even Giadian nationals themselves began to despise their own homeland from the bottom of their hearts.

Glancing slightly to the right, Shin saw, as usual, the far-right singing about "national revenge." Of course, the police, with rat-like eyes hungry for credit, were patrolling around them.

"The Republic must achieve national revenge against Giad! The damage caused by the imperialist scum is no longer calculable on an individual basis, hence we, the citizens of the Republic, must unite to exact revenge from one nation to another! Revenge!"

The tension in the Republic was rising daily, and public order was deteriorating. If there were any triggers, the people's anxiety and dissatisfaction would erupt. Of course, directed outwardly. But Shin wasn't someone interested in politics. Whether the eruption of dissatisfaction and anxiety was directed inwardly or outwardly, it didn't matter to him.

As he walked, he found himself at his destination without realizing it: the Legion Forecasting Center.

"Warrant Officer Nouzen, your identification, please."


"Body check."

"...Go ahead. Your brother is waiting for you."

His brother is waiting for him... huh.

Passing through the door and descending into the underground, he navigated through the labyrinthine corridors until he suddenly entered a spacious area, with silver-white metal blocks catching his eye.


An emotionless but seemingly joyful voice, his brother's voice, could be heard from within the giant silver coffin.

"I've been waiting."

Shin wasn't the only one gazing up at the massive silver coffin. There stood a sickly thin man clad in white, also looking up at the silver mass. Without even a glance at Shin, he simply gazed up at the Dinosauria.

"Mr. Pierre."

"Young Shinei. Today, your brother seems rather displeased. Attempts to infiltrate all systems have failed, as have attempts at dialogue. Could you perhaps intervene from your side?"

No, he wouldn't do such a thing. His brother's humiliation would end today.

"Yes, Mr. Pierre."

"I'd be delighted if you called me Director Pierre, Young Shinei."

There was only one place not checked during the body check. Today, he had brought explosives there. He had already informed close allies of what would happen next.

"Now, as usual, initiate synchronization."

When he was alone, it was time to execute.

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