[SCARY] I Was Almost Assassinated? [Why, tho?] pt 2

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108: Anonymous Strategist

The problem is that they don't cooperate well in war.

109: Anonymous Strategist

You have to do something about it.

110: Marshal

By the way, we in the upper echelons know about it.

111: Anonymous Strategist

About what?

112: Anonymous Strategist

What are you talking about?

113: Marshal

The general public doesn't know the Giadian Empire is already gone.

114: Anonymous Strategist

Why don't you tell them?

115: Marshal

It's easier to control people's minds when there's a common enemy. The domestic stability is high, actually.

116: Anonymous Strategist

Domestic stability is high (but the head of state was almost assassinated).

117: Anonymous Strategist

Enough with the jokes.

118: Marshal

But the level of cooperation in the war is still ridiculously low, I hate these citizens.

119: Anonymous Strategist

Why are you saying that? What happened?

120: Anonymous Strategist

It's rare to see you so down. Are you really the Marshal?

121: Anonymous Strategist

I think you're weakened from almost being assassinated.

122: Marshal

The second Gran Mur still hasn't been completed at all

123: Anonymous Strategist

......Ah, the Second Gran Mur, yes, yes, of course I remember, of course.

124: Anonymous Strategist

>>123 You definitely don't remember, do you?

125: Anonymous Strategist

Gran Mur is definitely going to fall, so this is an insurance policy.

126: Anonymous Strategist

The Maginot Line that can't be bypassed.

127: Marshal

If I remember correctly, the Republic is a little bigger than the Kantō region, so why can't they finish building it? It's already been three years since construction began.

128: Anonymous Strategist

>>127 Cause?

129: Marshal

Lack of human resources, too few people available to put into construction. In case you're wondering, we've got all the Colorata except the Processors and the White Pigs we sent to District 86 working at full capacity, but it's still not enough.

130: Anonymous Strategist

Is it really that demanding?

131: Marshal

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