Main Characters Introduction

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Lucy as a 23-year-old foreign student. She is from Miran (a factional country that I made up) She began her journey in Gumi, studying Korean language before moving to Daegu upon acceptance into a university. Standing at 5 feet tall, she possesses Asian yellow skin and brown hair. Despite not fitting conventional korean standards of beauty, Lucy's big round eyes, adorned with natural thick lashes, and full lips have a captivating charm. People often find her cute, yet she also carries a mature presence, drawing others to her effortlessly energetic aura. But what truly sets Lucy apart is the lasting impression she leaves; with just one encounter, she has a knack for lingering in one's thoughts incessantly.

Sung Hoon

Sung Hoon as a 37-year-old actor and national heartthrob. Standing tall at 180cm, his presence commands attention, his athletic yet lean physique boasting broad shoulders that could easily envelop Lucy in a comforting embrace. With skin as white as freshly fallen snow, Sung Hoon exudes an aura of effortless charm. But it's his smile that truly captivates, a deep dimple etching its way into his cheek, sweet enough to give you toothache. Despite his status as a sought-after celebrity, Sung Hoon remains grounded, his demeanor reflecting a well-mannered, modest, and ever-polite disposition.

Renowned as the nation's good boy, Sung Hoon embodies the epitome of a true golden retriever type – loyal, affectionate, and endlessly endearing. In a world where fame often breeds arrogance, Sung Hoon stands as a beacon of humility, his sincerity resonating with fans far and wide.

Song Gu

In the realm of showbiz, Song Gu commands attention at 40 years old, an actor whose age belies his thick and well-built physique. Despite lacking conventional handsomeness like Sung Hoon, Song Gu's allure lies elsewhere. With his mono eyelid and thin lips curling into a smile, he exudes a rugged charm that captivates onlookers.

Standing at 178cm with slightly brown skin for a Korean, Song Gu's masculinity is undeniable, drawing the gaze of many admirers. Yet, it's not just his appearance that intrigues; his carefree and easygoing demeanor adds to his charismatic aura. Fluent in English, Song Gu possesses a worldly sophistication that further enhances his appeal.

Despite being in his 40s, he remains a crush for many young girls, his status as a "daddy crush" a testament to his timeless allure. In a world of boys, Song Gu stands out as a true gentleman, his demeanor imbued with a sense of chivalry and grace.

**These are the main character of the story. Who do you think will be your favorite? let me know in my comment.**

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