Chapter 13

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It was Monday afternoon, as Lucy sat in her lecture, the soft glow of her phone illuminated the dimly lit room, drawing her attention away from the professor's droning voice. 

With a flicker of curiosity, she glanced down at her screen, her heart skipping a beat as she noticed an unexpected notification from Sung Hoon's best friend with an unexpected news.

"Hey Lucy," the message read, causing her pulse to quicken with concern. 

"I just wanted to let you know that Sung Hoon got into a fight with Song Gu at a restaurant last night. Things got pretty heated, but I think they're both okay now. Sung Hoon told me not to tell you about the fight, but I thought you should know it."

Lucy's mind raced with worry as she absorbed the words, her fingers trembling slightly as she typed out a quick response.

Lucy: "Oh my god, are they okay? What happened?"

Sung Hoon's Best Friend: "Yeah, they're fine. It was just a stupid argument that got out of hand. Sung Hoon feels terrible about it though. He's been beating himself up over it."

Lucy: "Thanks for letting me know. I'll check in on him."

Sung Hoon's Best Friend: "I have known him for almost 8 years, and this is the first time I've seen him get angry like this and fight with someone. I'm shocked too."

Lucy: "by the way, what did Song Gu even say to provoke Sung Hoon like that?"

Sung Hoon's Best Friend: "It's probably better for you not to know, Lucy.'' 

Though disappointed by the vague response, Lucy understood the sentiment. With a heavy heart, she pocketed her phone, her mind consumed by thoughts of Sung Hoon and the unexpected argument.

During a brief fifteen-minute break between lectures, Lucy's heart heavy with concern, she reached out to Sung Hoon. Her fingers trembled slightly as she tapped out a message on her phone, her thoughts consumed by worry.

Lucy: Sung Hoon, I heard about what happened with Song Gu. Are you okay?

Sung Hoon's response was immediate, his words filled with a mixture of regret and remorse.

Sung Hoon: Lucy, I'm so sorry you had to hear about that. I never meant for things to escalate like that. Please, believe me when I say that I'll do whatever it takes to make things right.

Lucy's heart ached as she read Sung Hoon's message. She understood the weight of his words, the burden of guilt he carried. Despite the hurt, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him, knowing how deeply he must be affected by the situation.

Lucy: I know you're sorry, Sung Hoon. But it's hard. I feel torn, you know? On one hand, I'm angry and upset that you guys fight over me, but on the other, my heart aches for you too.

Sung Hoon: I understand, Lucy. I never wanted to cause you any pain. I just want us to be okay.

Lucy felt a pang of guilt at Sung Hoon's words. She knew he was hurting too, that he was struggling just as much as she was.

Lucy: I know, Sung Hoon. We'll get through this, together. Just give me some time to process everything.

Sung Hoon: Of course, Lucy. I'll be here for you, no matter what. Just take all the time you need.

Their conversation ended with an unspoken understanding, a silent promise to support each other through the storm.


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