Chapter 3

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As spring blossomed, Lucy found herself on the brink of a new chapter in her life. Accepted into Ki Young University with a major in Fashion Design and awarded a full scholarship, her dreams were finally coming to fruition. 

With excitement bubbling in her chest, she packed her bags and bid farewell to her familiar surroundings, ready to embrace the adventure that awaited her in Daegu.

Settling into her cozy studio home, surrounded by the promise of creativity and growth, Lucy felt a sense of contentment wash over her. But amidst the joy of her academic achievements, there was another milestone she was ready to embrace: her relationship with Sung Hoon.

As their bond deepened, Lucy began to let her guard down, allowing herself to open up to the possibility of love. Their "situation-ship" evolved into something more, as they navigated the delicate balance between friendship and romance.

Amidst the whirlwind of Lucy's academic pursuits and Sung Hoon's demanding schedule, the new couple carved out moments of happiness and romance, weaving their love story into the fabric of their busy lives. 

Despite the distance between them, Sung Hoon made every effort to bridge the gap, often driving from Seoul to Daegu just to spend a precious few hours by Lucy's side. Their time together was a cherished respite from the chaos of their respective worlds, filled with laughter, shared dreams, and stolen kisses.

Their weekends became an oasis of love and adventure, as they embarked on spontaneous day trips to explore the hidden gems of South Korea. From picturesque hikes in the mountains to leisurely strolls along sun-kissed beaches, every moment spent together felt like a fairytale come to life.

In each other's company, Lucy and Sung Hoon found solace and joy, their love blossoming amidst the backdrop of their shared dreams and aspirations. Their relationship was a testament to the power of love to conquer all obstacles, a beacon of hope in a world filled with uncertainty.

As they basked in the glow of their newfound happiness, Lucy couldn't help but marvel at the serendipitous journey that had brought them together. With Sung Hoon's unwavering support and boundless love, she felt invincible, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. 

Little did she know, their love would soon be put to the ultimate test, as the storm clouds of controversy loomed on the horizon.

Just as Lucy began to let her guard down and embrace the possibility of love, chaos erupted in her life. During a visit to her hometown during the semester break, Lucy's social media accounts were hacked, and false rumors of her relationship with Sung Hoon flooded the internet. Despite her frantic attempts to set the record straight, the damage was done.

As the scandal unfolded, Lucy and Sung Hoon found themselves thrust into the harsh glare of the public spotlight especially Lucy. Despite their best efforts to maintain a dignified silence, the relentless onslaught of accusations and rumors grew louder with each passing day. 

Fan pages and online forums buzzed with speculation, with many accusing Lucy of fabricating the story for attention or being an obsessive sasaeng fan of Sung Hoon.

The weight of the accusations bore down heavily on Lucy, chipping away at her fragile sense of security and leaving her feeling isolated and vulnerable. Every hateful comment, every malicious accusation felt like a dagger to her heart, tearing at the very fabric of her identity. 

It was exhausting for Lucy to accept such negative attention from people she didn't even know, especially as she was just a normal person, not a celebrity accustomed to public scrutiny.

Feeling overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught of negativity, Lucy made the painful decision to end things with Sung Hoon, believing it was the only way to shield him from further harm.

"Sung Hoon, I can't do this anymore," Lucy whispered into the phone, her voice choked with emotion as tears welled up in her eyes. "It's not fair. You deserve someone who won't drag you down with their baggage."

On the other end of the line, Sung Hoon's heart sank at her words, his eyes reflecting the pain and disappointment he felt. "Lucy, please don't shut me out. We can get through this together, I promise."

But Lucy shook her head, her resolve firm even through the distance of the phone call. "I'm sorry, Sung Hoon. It's over."

Sung Hoon's chest tightened with frustration and longing, his yearning to hold Lucy close almost suffocating and physically hurting him. Yet, with the miles stretching between them, all he could do was listen helplessly, his heart wrenching with the awareness that he couldn't be there to comfort her in person.


Foot note: While this story draws inspiration from real events, it is a work of fiction and certain characters, events, and situations have been fictionalized and exaggerated for narrative purposes. Please keep in mind that all characters are completely fictional and do not represent any real-life individuals whatsoever. Please "Vote" this if you like it. It is very helpful for a new writer like me. Constructive criticism is welcomed, but I kindly request refraining from leaving rude comments. Let me know what are your though and feeling about this chapter...see you next you!

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