Chapter 14

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As Lucy and her friends settled into their seats at the usual café, they found themselves enveloped in a familiar atmosphere of camaraderie and shared frustrations. Alli took the lead, stepping up to the counter to place their orders.

Alli asked Lucy what does she want for drink and Lucy answer, 'I will have a hot green tea latte,'" Lucy chimed in, her voice carrying across the café.

Gayle, standing next to Lucy, added her order with a nod to the cashier. "I'll have a chocolate frappe," she said decisively.

With their orders placed, they found their way back to their table, the anticipation of their drinks mingling with the conversation already in full swing.

"God, I hate that international management class," Gayle groaned, her frustration evident.

Lucy nodded sympathetically, her own struggles with the course mirrored in Gayle's sentiments. "I know, right? I can't seem to focus at all," she admitted. "And the professor's accent doesn't make it any easier."

Alli, joining in on the discussion, offered her perspective. "Why does the Korean professor do the lecture in English when he has such a strong accent? It's really hard to understand him," she remarked, frustration spiking her tone.

Gayle nodded in agreement. "Exactly! Even though I'm American, I can barely understand him," she added with a chuckle.

Their conversation veered into lighter territory as they laughed off the challenges of their class, finding solace in shared frustration.

As their laughter subsided, Lucy's phone buzzed with a notification, drawing her attention away from the conversation. Her heart quickened as she glanced at the screen, seeing an unexpected message from Song Gu.

Lucy's gaze flicked between the message and her friends, uncertainty gnawing at her insides. "What should I do?" she whispered; her voice barely audible above the din of the café.

Alli and Gayle exchanged curious glances, sensing Lucy's unease. "Why did that old man message you again?" Alli quipped, her tone teasing.

Lucy hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. "I don't know," she replied softly, her fingers hovering over her phone.

Gayle leaned in; her curiosity piqued. "Well, you'll know if you check the message," she urged, her tone encouraging.

With a deep breath, Lucy finally mustered the courage to open the message from Song Gu.

Song Gu: "Lucy, I want to apologize for what happened between Sung Hoon and me. I never meant to cause any trouble, especially not for you. I hope you can forgive me. It was never my intention to be disrespectful to you".

As she read his words, her expression softened, a mix of surprise and understanding flickering across her features.

Gayle leaned closer, her curiosity getting the better of her. "What did he say?" she asked eagerly, her eyes fixed on Lucy's phone screen.

Lucy hesitated, unsure of how much to share. "He said he's sorry about the fight and that he never meant to be disrespectful to me," she replied slowly, choosing her words carefully. 

Before Lucy could even finish relaying the conversation to her friends, another message from Song Gu flashed across her screen.

"Wait, he sent another message," she uttered, her voice tinged with uncertainty. Both Alli and Gayle fell into a curious silence, their eyes fixed on Lucy as she read the incoming message from Song Gu.

"I also want to apologize to Sung Hoon too," the message read. "But I think it is a little bit early to go talk to him because it seems he was very angry at me. Maybe I should wait until he cools down."

Lucy's voice quivered slightly as she broke the silence with a revelation. "He said he wants to meet with Sung Hoon too," she confided to her friends, her tone laden with uncertainty.

Alli's eyes widened in surprise, her curiosity piqued. "What for?" she inquired, her voice betraying her intrigue.

Gayle, too, leaned in, her brows furrowing with concern. "What if they fight again?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Lucy sighed softly; her expression thoughtful as she considered their questions. "No, he said he wanted to apologize to him," she clarified, her tone firm but hesitant. "But he's worried that it might be too soon."

As the weight of the conversation settled over them, Alli and Gayle exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of emotions. Alli's voice broke through the contemplative silence, her words carrying a note of judgment. "Well, he's the one who started the fight," she remarked, her tone tinged with reproach.

Gayle chimed in with a sarcastic edge to her voice. "Right. He didn't wait for the right moment to fight, but now he's waiting for the right time to apologize? Interesting," she quipped, her skepticism evident. "You want me to fight him? your boyfriend have an image to protect but I don't. I can fight him. There's nothing more i enjoy than fighting men" Gayle added half jokingly. 

"Are you going to talk to Sung Hoon about this?" Alli asked, her tone filled with curiosity, as she turned to Lucy.

Lucy considered Alli's question for a moment, her brow furrowing with concern. "Maybe I should," she replied, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Alli nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "Yeah, right. Keeping a secret will only make everything worse. Maybe they can sort things out like real mature men, you know?" she suggested, her tone hopeful.

Gayle nodded emphatically; her agreement palpable. "I know. They're already old, not even little boys to fight," she remarked, her voice tinged with amusement.

As Lucy rode the subway on her way home, her thoughts swirled with a mix of determination and apprehension. With each passing station, she grew more resolute in her decision. Finally, unable to wait any longer, she took out her phone and composed a message to Sung Hoon.

"Are you still on set? Are you back home?" she typed, her fingers tapping nervously on the screen.

A few moments passed before Sung Hoon's reply came through. "I'm just finished and now on my way home. You?" he responded promptly.

Lucy's heart raced as she read his message, her resolve strengthening. She typed back, her fingers trembling slightly, "I'm on the subway on my way too. And I have something to tell you..."


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