Chapter 10

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A few days later, the director, Sung Hoon, and Song Gu convened at a quaint café tucked away in a quiet corner of Seoul. As they settled into their seats, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped them, adding to the anticipation that hung thick in the air. 

The director's proposal for the upcoming drama lingered on their minds, setting the stage for a pivotal conversation.

"So, Sung Hoon, what are your thoughts on the script?" the director inquired, his gaze shifting between Sung Hoon and Song Gu.

Sung Hoon took a moment to collect his thoughts, his brow furrowing in contemplation. "I must admit, I'm drawn to the script," he confessed, his voice measured. "However, I have reservations about the timing."

Song Gu nodded in understanding; his expression thoughtful. "It's a significant commitment," he acknowledged, his tone sympathetic.

Sung Hoon sighed, the weight of his decision pressing down on him. "Yes, especially considering the Asia tour fan meeting I've been planning," he admitted, a hint of uncertainty creeping into his voice.

The director listened intently, his eyes flickering with curiosity. "I see," he replied, his tone measured. "Well, let's keep our options open for now. We have plenty of time to iron out the details."

As they continued their conversation, the director excused himself, leaving Sung Hoon and Song Gu alone at the table. The tension between them lingered, unspoken words hanging in the air as they navigated the delicate balance of friendship and professional ambition.

As Sung Hoon mulled over the director's words, Song Gu leaned forward, his expression earnest. "Hey, Sung Hoon, what are you doing next week Wednesday?" he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Caught off guard, Sung Hoon paused to consider his response. "It's Lucy's birthday, so I might go to Daegu," he replied, the words slipping out before he could stop them.

Song Gu's eyes widened in surprise. "Ah, it's her birthday? You got her the ticket to my movie premiere, right? Are you two close?" he asked, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Sung Hoon hesitated, his mind racing as he searched for the right words. "Yes, we've known each other for over a year now. Almost two," he replied cautiously, careful not to reveal too much.

Seizing the opportunity, Sung Hoon redirected the conversation. "And you? Are you close with Lucy?" he inquired; his tone carefully neutral.

Song Gu shook his head, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "Not very close, no. But we talked at the premiere, and she struck me as incredibly mature and wise beyond her years," he admitted, his admiration evident.

A sudden request caught Sung Hoon off guard, his mind reeling with uncertainty. "Can I come to her birthday if that's okay?" Song Gu asked, his eyes earnest.

Sung Hoon hesitated, his mind racing as he weighed the implications of Song Gu's request. "Sure, she would love that," he replied with a forced smile, his thoughts swirling with uncertainty.

As they continued their conversation, Sung Hoon couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. The prospect of Song Gu joining them for Lucy's birthday filled him with a sense of apprehension, yet he knew it was too late to retract the invitation. With a heavy heart, he resigned himself to the uncertain path that lay ahead, his mind already racing with the complexities of the days to come.

On Lucy's birthday, the atmosphere at the bustling BBQ shop crackled with anticipation, the scent of sizzling meats mingling with laughter and chatter. Amidst the lively ambiance, an underlying tension lingered, palpable in the exchanged glances and subtle shifts in posture between Sung Hoon, Lucy, and Song Gu.

Tensions simmered beneath the surface as Song Gu found himself drawn deeper into Lucy's undeniable charm. Unaware of the tangled web of emotions that bound her to Sung Hoon, he couldn't help but feel captivated by her presence.

Caught in the crossfire of conflicting emotions, Lucy found herself torn between loyalty and temptation, her heart pulled in opposite directions by two men who represented vastly different worlds.

As the evening wore on, laughter and conversation filled the air, masking the underlying tension that threatened to unravel their carefully constructed facade of normalcy.

"Sung Hoon, I want to thank you for arranging this," Lucy said, her voice soft as she gazed at him with gratitude. "This means more to me than you know."

Sung Hoon's smile faltered for a moment before he regained his composure, his eyes betraying the turmoil raging within. "Anything for you, Princess. You deserve the world."

Meanwhile, Song Gu observed their interaction with keen interest, his sharp eyes missing nothing as he made mental notes of their dynamic. Sensing the weight of unspoken words hanging between them, Song Gu cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Lucy, may I offer you some more soju?" he interjected, his voice laced with polite concern.

Lucy's gaze shifted to Song Gu, a grateful smile playing on her lips. "Yes, please, that would be lovely," she replied, her tone warm and welcoming.

As Song Gu poured another round of soju into Lucy's glass, Sung Hoon watched the interaction with a guarded expression, his mind racing with unspoken questions.

"Thank you, Song Gu," Lucy said, her voice tinged with appreciation as she raised her glass in a silent toast.

A flicker of something unreadable passed through Song Gu's eyes before he offered a small nod in acknowledgment. "You're welcome, Lucy," he responded, his voice carefully neutral.

The trio fell into an uneasy silence, the weight of their unspoken thoughts hanging heavy in the air. Each lost in their own contemplation, they continued to navigate the delicate balance of friendship and unspoken desires, unaware of the tangled web of emotions that bound them together.


OH! You're already done with the chapter 10? Damn, I should start writing more chapters quickly since i don't want to make you wait. And I just want to say Thank You for enjoying my story and please comment your thoughts and vote if you are enjoying this. See you ! btw i'm just really curious, what would you do if you were LUCY? 

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