Chapter 11

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Time flew by naturally, with nothing particularly noteworthy happening. Lucy found herself not even thinking about Song Gu anymore, as she balanced her studies, friendships, and relationships. 

Sung Hoon, too, divided his time between work and Lucy, and everything seemed perfect in their world. However, despite the lack of significant changes between Song Gu and Lucy, Song Gu couldn't seem to completely move on from her.

As the day unfolded on set, Song Gu found himself immersed in the familiar routine of filming, his mind occupied with lines and scenes. Yet, during a brief lull in production, he found himself absentmindedly scrolling through Lucy's Instagram feed, a habit he had developed without much thought.

Beside him, his manager glanced over at his screen, her curiosity piqued by what she saw. "Oh, isn't that the foreigner, the girlfriend of Sung Hoon Nim?" she remarked casually, her tone betraying a hint of intrigue.

Song Gu's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Lucy's name, his eyes widening in shock. "What?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief.

His manager shrugged nonchalantly, her gaze returning to her own tasks. "I'm not so sure. But I heard it from the stylist Unnie. She said she saw the conversation between the two while doing Sung Hoon's hair. Most of the staff know, but nobody knows if it's true or not, though," she explained, her words hanging in the air.

As Song Gu processed the revelation, a whirlwind of emotions swept through him, his mind racing to make sense of it all. The memory of Lucy's birthday celebration flashed before his eyes, the interactions between Sung Hoon and Lucy now taking on a new significance.

Summoning a weak smile, Song Gu attempted to brush off the revelation with a lighthearted quip. "Ah, I guess the staff are scarier than Dispatch! I suppose I'll never use my phone while getting my hair done from now on, haha," he joked, his laughter ringing hollow in his ears.

Yet, beneath the facade of humor, a storm brewed within him, a sharp pang of longing piercing his heart. The realization that Lucy not only had a boyfriend but that boyfriend was Sung Hoon, a colleague and friend, sent waves of pain crashing over him, threatening to engulf him entirely.

As the day wore on, Song Gu struggled to shake off the weight of the revelation, his thoughts consumed by the woman he couldn't have and the man who already possessed her. With each passing moment, the distance between them grew wider, a chasm of unspoken desires and missed opportunities stretching out before him. 

Amidst this turmoil, Song Gu couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy too, knowing that Sung Hoon was the one who held Lucy's heart.

Meanwhile, as Sung Hoon prepared for the first leg of his Asia tour, slated to begin in Japan, the anticipation of the upcoming fan meeting loomed large. Despite the hasty preparations and the excitement of his impending travels, he found himself unable to shake off the nagging thoughts that plagued his mind.

Anyone who knew Sung Hoon would attest to his perfection inside and out, yet deep-rooted insecurities gnawed at him relentlessly. Despite his outward confidence, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the thought of someone as cool and handsome as Song Gu showing interest in Lucy.

In the midst of rehearsals and logistical arrangements, Sung Hoon grappled with his own self-doubt. Despite his physical attributes—his handsome features, fair complexion, and epitome of the "pretty boy"—he couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't Lucy's ideal type physically. Lucy was drawn to men who exuded a rugged masculinity, someone older, more mature, and inherently attractive, much like Song Gu.

As Sung Hoon pondered over these thoughts, a sense of unease settled over him, casting a shadow over the bright lights and bustling energy of his preparations for the tour. Despite his outward success and adoration, the fear of not being enough for Lucy lingered, a silent specter haunting his every step.

In a moment of vulnerability, he reached out to Lucy, longing to see her even for just an hour before his journey to Japan. Their phone call was filled with a mix of longing and hesitation, as Sung Hoon poured out his feelings, expressing his desire to spend time with her before his departure.

"I wish I could see you, even if it's just for a moment," Sung Hoon murmured, his voice tinged with longing.

Lucy's response was gentle but firm. "I know, Sung Hoon, but the journey to Daegu is long, and our time together would be brief. It's not worth the exhaustion for such a short visit."

Despite Lucy's reasoning, Sung Hoon couldn't shake the ache in his heart as they bid each other farewell over the phone. The weight of their separation lingered, adding to the tension and uncertainty of the situation.

As Sung Hoon departed for his fan meeting, a heavy weight settled in his heart, knowing Lucy and Song Gu remained in Korea. Despite knowing that Lucy is in Daegu and Song Gu is in Seoul, an unease gnawed at him relentlessly. 


Hi there, again! Thank you for enjoying my story so far. Please let me know your thought in the comment and vote the story if you like it. it means a lot to me...see you in next part. Are you ready? 

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