Chapter 21

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As Sung Hoon grappled with his feelings for Lucy and the uncertainty of their relationship, he found himself hesitating to bring up the conversation. One reason was his fear that Lucy might want to break up with him, a thought that filled him with dread. 

He couldn't bear the idea of losing her; he had never loved anyone as much as he loved her. Another reason was the dark past he had with his ex, a tumultuous relationship that had left a deep trauma in the corner of his mind.

Years ago, just as his hit drama was reaching its climax and his star was on the rise, Sung Hoon found himself embroiled in a scandal that rocked his world to its core. His ex-girlfriend, unable to handle the pressures of fame and the strain of their relationship, had anonymously accused him of forcing her to get an abortion and manipulating her.

For weeks, Sung Hoon endured a barrage of hate and criticism from the public, his reputation tarnished and his career on the brink of collapse. But just when it seemed like all hope was lost, the truth emerged, thanks to leaked conversations between the ex-couple that shed light on the real story.

It was revealed that while the abortion had indeed occurred, it had been a mutual decision made in the midst of a turbulent relationship filled with betrayal and heartbreak. Sung Hoon's ex-girlfriend had been the one to manipulate him and cheat multiple times, leaving him broken and betrayed.

The revelation brought a momentary reprieve from the relentless scrutiny of the media, but the scars of the past still lingered, haunting Sung Hoon's every step. And now, faced with the prospect of opening his heart to Lucy, he couldn't help but fear history repeating itself, leaving him once again shattered and alone. 

Despite his friends' advice, Sung Hoon found himself unable to muster the courage to start the conversation with Lucy, the weight of his fears holding him back.

Meanwhile, on Lucy's side, she grappled with her own conflicted emotions, torn between her feelings for Sung Hoon and her fear of hurting him. Though she knew that she wasn't deeply in love with him, she couldn't bear the thought of causing him pain, knowing all too well the scars he carried from his past relationships.

As she mulled over her dilemma, Lucy couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at her heart, knowing that her indecision was only prolonging the inevitable. But with each passing day, she found herself sinking deeper into the quicksand of uncertainty, unsure of how to navigate the treacherous waters of love and loyalty.


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