'It's settled then!'

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'I f*cked up, I f*cked up, I f*cked up!' I screamed. Adam sat next to me with the controller in his hand, laughing at the fact I was stressing over a game.

'Relax girl! Pretty sure you're going to be in second place anyways!' He said, laughing after.

A big ego he had for someone looking like the stereotypical nerd. I liked him for it though, I didn't mind his funny glasses and messy hair.
He was still quite attractive.

'Nice joke mate, no way in hell you're better than me!' I pushed him so that he was distracted and I shot him in the game. 'Hah! Told ya'!'

He frowned at me. 'Not fair! I want a rematch!'
'You want to get beaten twice? Let's g-...' I silenced as I heard my phone vibrate. It has been two hours and he hasn't replied yet.
I was scared I f*cked up.

'Hey! I'm sorry for responding this late. I was just filming a video, which got me to think... Do you enjoy any kind of game?
And may I call you something different than your name? I love your name either way, but I think I like... Pook! Yes! -Vikk'

First of all, oh my god he's calling me Pook. I don't even know how he got that name but it's adorable. Just like him, I thought to myself.

And second of all,
Oh hell yes I did play video games! I played all sorts of those. Call of Duty, CS go, Minecraft, Dota, GTA. Many things I enjoyed. That was the whole reason I started watching him in the first place.

'Hey! Glad I heard from you! And yes, I do enjoy gaming. Honestly, I'm contempt with any game, but my favourites are GTA, Minecraft and CoD. Why you ask? - Pook'

I enjoyed calling myself Pook. It sounded cute. I liked it.

'Hey Pook :) I'm glad you like those games, because I do too! I assume you already know that though haha.
I thought, maybe if... If you want we can like... Film together? I'll give you my adress, I hope we can! - Vikk'

Did he just... Did he just imply he wants to film with me? Is he being serious?

I read the message nine times, seeing if I fully understood what he was saying, but yes, he did imply that. What he also implied, which made my heart beat crazily, is that I could... Visit him...
I can't. My feelings got too much.

It all seemed too good to be true. But it had to. I had pinched myself four times.
I wanted to be sure it was real before I replied.

'Yeah! Send me your adress! It seems like a lovely idea! Also, since I have a nickname now, can I give you one aswell? I like the name Rizz :)
- Pook'

Rizz? Seriously? I couldn't come up with anything better? My lack of creativity truly showed now as I regretted the text, but moments later, I recieved a text from him again

'Haha, hey Pook! I love the name Rizz! I guess it's settled then! I'll text you my adress once you're going to pay a visit, I really have to go. Can't wait to see you again!- Rizz'

I smiled, but Adam just shook me out of my trance and got me my controller again. 'Time to kick your ass again!' I said while we both laughed after.

Vikk and meWhere stories live. Discover now