"It'll be fine"

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I freaked out. This couldn't be happening. "You for real?"
I couldn't calm down, it came so sudden. After all these weeks, he tells me this now? I was shaking like crazy and couldn't think straight.
"Pook?! Relax it'll be fine! I lov-..."

"What was that all about?" I heard Preston say. I looked around me, realising I ran away for a moment. I was at Mitch's and Jerome's room, sitting on Mitch's bed.

I heard Preston walk in. "Hey, (y/n), are you okay?" I had my head in my hands, not sure why I overreacted so much. "I don't know what happened between you and him, but can I just tell you that, whenever he looks at you... He starts glowing.."

But that's not what I wanted to hear. I knew he couldn't be with me. He told me why.
I knew it could all be a lie. Maybe he didn't like me at all. After all, he liked Lachlan...

You asked him "so, what you said..."
"Well, I had to call you something. Didn't realise what you'd think of it. Oh, the boys are going to joke about this for a long time." He said. He then continued with "I want to, but I can't." I looked at him in disbelief.
"We're not together, no. But, would YOU want to?" He asked carefully.
"Yeah. But..."

And now I sat here, and I hadn't moved an inch. Hours had passed by.
I realised it was pathetic of me to stay in this state as I moved out of it.

I walked downstairs and I saw Preston, Mitch and Jerome sitting on a couch. "What'cha doing?" I asked them.
They looked up suprised. "Oh hey, removed yourself from our room, I see? Then we can go upstairs again" Jerome said with a smirk.
"No more Merome buttsex for you though!" Preston said to them as if he was their dad.

"Daddy please" Mitch said, looking at Preston with puppy eyes. I let out a laugh because of this situation.

"We're watching some hockey, want to join?" Preston invited me.
"I'm not that into hockey, I want to know where Vik is."
I felt desperate, but I had questions, and they needed to be answered.

"He went outside with Rob, who knows what he's up to." Jerome answered.
"I need to talk to him..." I was about to walk out the door when Mitch stopped me and pushed me back by holding my shoulders.

"Nope can do. Vik asked us if we could keep you here. We don't know what happened between you two, please explain. You guys seemed so great together."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the chair. "Explain, please."
They all looked at me with eager.

"Well. " I started.
"Vik told me.... he was into guys."
I waited a moment before continuing.

"That shocked me at first, but upon further explanation, he said he was bisexual. That calmed me down a bit"

I took a moment for them to realise what I said.
I then continued.

"I couldn't be his girlfriend, and that had reasons. He said he didn't love m-..."
I couldn't finish the sentence as I started to tear up a bit.
Surely it's a bit dramatic, so I tried to wipe them away.

"You can cry, little one. Don't worry"

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