2. The Sorcerer Called Emrys

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 As soon as Anna stepped outside, she wrapped her cloak tightly around herself. The night air was colder than she thought it would be. She could easily see her breath in front of her, and she was chilled to the bone in an instant.

She hurried down the deserted street, jumping from shadow to shadow, making sure she wasn't spotted by anyone who might have been passing by. She knew that there were guards probably making their nightly rounds. Every kingdom had a night patrol. It was what kept the castle and it's king safe. It was almost midnight, after all. Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw them, torches lit, heading her way. There were four guards. She hid herself immediately, until they passed, and continued on toward the direction of the woods. She remembered, from her and Cora's journey there, that she would have to clear the gates first. She wished she knew some secret way out, so she wouldn't have to go by the guards that she knew would be stationed there. There was only one way to get through them. She would have to use magic, and she didn't like the thought of that at all.

Anna crept up on the gates a few minutes later, her heart racing wildly in her chest. There were two guards standing there, manning the territory. She sighed inwardly. She got as close to them as she could. Then she turned and searched for something she could use to distract them. She didn't want to have to use her powers if she could avoid it. The last thing she wanted was to alert Camelot that there was a sorceress inside the gates. She spotted some barrels stacked up over by the wall behind her and grinned. It was perfect. She put her hand out, palm forward, and willed the barrels to move. They toppled over, one by one, causing a huge ruckus. She hid again. The guards ran to investigate, like she knew they would, and she kept a close eye on them as she hurried out the gates of Camelot.

She ran as fast as she could for the cover of the woods. Once she was inside, and she was sure she was safe, she exhaled loudly. Even if the guards were back at the gates by now they would not have been able to spot her. She was well covered by the trees. Now all she had to do was call for help. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, clearing everything from her head. When her mind was completely clear, she said the words necessary to summon the one who could help her.

"Starla. Come to me. I need you."

A soft, but chilling, wind blew in her face, and she knew her friend would appear before her soon. The wind was a confirmation that she had heard Anna call.

Starla wasn't a person, but she was beloved by Anna and so many others. She taught Anna all she knew about magic, and how to embrace it. Anna opened her eyes, prepared to welcome her. She knew it wouldn't be long now. It only took a couple of minutes before Starla was descending, from the skies, in front of her. She landed on all fours, with her wings outstretched, but tucked them in quickly. Starla was gorgeous, as white as new driven snow all over, with the exception of her wings, which were a dull gray, with tiny specks of sparkle all through them. She was the prettiest horse Anna had ever seen.

Anna beamed at her. It had been so long since she had laid eyes on Starla, so long since she had talked to her. Things in Asteria had been quiet for a while, magically anyway.

Starla bowed to Anna the moment they made eye contact. "It's nice to see you again, my lady. As always, I am glad to be of service."

"Please rise, Starla. I've told you there is no need for that."

"And I respect that, but it gives me great pleasure."

She smiled. "Okay then." Starla rose.

Anna walked calmly up to the horse and wrapped her arms tightly around Starla's neck for a moment, then released her. She took a step back so she could see her better. She had missed her terribly. "I'm glad to see you again, old friend, but I'm afraid I've called you here on magical business."

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