15. Buried Alive

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"Arthur! Gwen!" Anna shouted.

Both of them turned to face her, and when they saw her running, they scrambled to their feet.

"What is it, Anna?" Arthur asked.

She came to a screeching halt in front of them. "Morgana," she answered breathlessly. "Merlin is fighting her."

Gwen's eyes stretched, alarm all over her face. "You must help him."

Anna shook her head. "He sent me to the two of you. We have to get out of here."

"We can't just leave him," Arthur protested. "Where's Gwaine and Leon, and Cora?"

"Things were quiet. Gwaine and Cora went for a walk alone. Leon went in the other direction."

He clenched his jaw. "I don't want to go."

"We have to," Gwen pleaded. "Arthur, there's nothing you can do with her."

"Merlin is powerful and strong, one of the bravest men I know," Anna testified. "He's going to win. Please come with me. It's what he wanted."

Arthur sighed. He knew she spoke the truth. "Alright. I'll go."

Anna ran over to the horses. Gwen too, Arthur right behind them. They all mounted and was on their way. They covered a lot of ground in just a few minutes. Suddenly, a woman's scream echoed through the forest. Anna's face went white. She would have recognized it anywhere. They halted the horses immediately.

"Cora," she breathed.

"Go," Arthur told her. "I can get Gwen safely home from here."

"I can't leave you, sire. I'm sorry."

Gwen sighed. "If you don't, Cora may die."

"And if something happens to either of you?"

"Nothing will," Arthur assured her. "I would not want you to sacrifice Cora for me."

Anna's heart was racing wildly. What was she to do? She couldn't just ignore the screaming She could hear it on the inside too. She placed her hand over her heart She could feel Cora's panic She frowned. That had never happened before. Now it had happened twice. Once with Merlin and now Cora. Maybe her powers were growing.

"I-I can feel her panicking," Anna said out loud. "I don't think she's ever been this scared."

"You must go after her," Gwen said.

Anna nodded. "You're right. I just hope Merlin will forgive me."

"You leave Merlin to me," Arthur said. "I will make sure he knows Guinevere and I persuaded you to go. It's clear to see you heart is torn."

Anna rode off, casting the same finding spell she'd used to find Merlin. She had to find Cora, and soon.

"She's a good person," Gwen commented "Merlin was lucky she heard him calling out."

Arthur nodded. "So are we. Otherwise we would be at Morgana's mercy right now."

They took off again, heading toward Camelot, as fast as they could go. Little did they know, they were riding right into a trap.

~ * ~

"Let go of me!" Cora shouted.

Gwaine was preoccupied with bandits she assumed were part of Morgana's crew One of them had mentioned her. A couple had a hold of Cora, one on each side. Her and Gwaine had been ambushed, and with her hands occupied, there wasn't much she could do. She tried numerous times to use her eyes only to free Gwaine of some of his grief, but to no avail. Cora felt so helpless.

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