10. A Connection

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Tears spilled from Anna's eyes. She wasn't going to let this happen. She was the only one who could save him.

"Pull it out," she instructed firmly.

Gaius looked up at her. "He'll die if I do."

"No. He'll die if you don't."

"Of course!" Gwen exclaimed as she jumped on Anna's train of thought. "She can heal him, Gaius."

Arthur turned to her, his face full of hope. She smiled at him through her tears.

"Save him, Anna," Arthur whispered.

Anna dropped to her knees beside of him. No one needed to tell her twice. Merlin looked her in the eye, his own eyes filled with fear and panic. She took his hand in hers.

"At least I'll get to witness it this time," Merlin breathed.

The statement made her smile as more tears spilled down her cheeks. She placed her hand around the handle of the dagger.

"Quickly," Merlin pleaded. He could feel the blade in his heart, and he knew it would hurt badly when she pulled it out.

Anna nodded. She did as he asked and pulled it out fast. She tossed it to the side and placed her hand over his heart. Blood was gushing out of him, through her fingers, and beneath her palm.

Gwen held tightly to Arthur as they watched. Arthur had tears rolling down his cheeks. It wasn't becoming of a king, but he didn't care. For the first time in a long time, he was scared. Gaius's expression was tense, and he too was crying. The tears turned to wonder though, when a bright light illuminated Anna's whole hand. Gasps rang all around Anna and Merlin, one of them coming from Merlin himself. His eyes were wide with shock as he felt the pain disappearing. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever witnessed.

"Amazing," Gaius commented. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Nor have I," Arthur admitted.

Gwen looked up at him, a smile on her tear-stained face. "See. Not all magic is bad."

"I see now."

Anna and Merlin gazed at each other, smiles of joy on their faces. They had been waiting for Arthur to realized that, especially Merlin, and any fear Anna had of execution melted away.

When the heavenly light finally faded, Anna sat back. Starla had warned her of doing too much too soon before. She was dizzy, but she tried to ignore it. She wasn't about to spoil the moment in any way.

Merlin placed his hand where the wound used to be. The blood and the wound were gone. Gaius even bent down to examine him. He was at a loss for words when he felt the smoothness of Merlin's skin where the dagger had made its hole.

"It's like his skin was never penetrated at all," he commented in disbelief. Gaius shook his head. "And I thought I had seen everything."

Arthur helped the old man up off the floor and Merlin too. Merlin then turned and offered his hand to Anna. She took it, and he pulled her to her feet. She immediately walked over to Gwen, who was standing a little off to the side. There was a good size cut on her neck. She had stopped bleeding, but it was still there. Anna reached up and laid her hand over it. It healed right up.

"You didn't have to do that, Anna," Gwen told her softly. "It wasn't life-threatening."

"Yes, but if I had been quicker-"

"You have absolutely nothing to apologize for, Anna," Arthur interrupted. "Nothing." He looked over at Merlin. "As for you, if you ever lie to me again-"

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