8. Born to Serve

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 Merlin finished the tour of a few minutes after they had left the kitchens. He showed Anna and Cora the Dungeons, and then it was over.

"This place is amazing," Cora gushed.

"It's nothing like the castle back home," Anna said. Then she gasped, realizing what she'd just said. Cora's eyes widened, and Anna placed her hand over her mouth, like she had just said something completely awful.

"I knew you worked in a castle," Merlin commented with a grin. "You weren't nearly as enthusiastic as Cora was during our little tour."

Anna smiled sheepishly. "Something like that." Her cheeks flushed with color. She couldn't believe she had let that slip. She was usually so careful.

He noticed that she seemed upset. "It's okay, Anna. I won't tell anyone if you're worried about keeping it a secret or something."

"No, it's not that. I'm sorry, Merlin. I guess I'm just tired." She stifled a fake yawn.

Merlin placed his hand on her shoulder. "I suppose you would be after what happened today. I hope I haven't tired you out too badly."

"You haven't. But I do need to go home and rest a bit. I need to get ready for tomorrow."

Cora nodded in agreement. She had been strangely silent since Anna's little outburst.

"I can walk you there," Merlin offered.

Anna shook her head. "There's no need to, Merlin. I will see you tomorrow."

Merlin smiled at her. "If you're sure. I"ll see you in the kitchens, bright and early."

"I'll be there. 6am, right?"

He nodded.

She waved to him. Cora told him goodbye as well, and followed. She hurried to catch up to Anna, who had started walking already.

"Anna, what was that?" she whispered.

Anna stopped, which caused Cora to stop, her face twisted in frustration and anger at herself. "I don't know. It just slipped out. And it's not just that, Cora." She started walking again.

Cora followed, but Anna didn't bother to attempt to elaborate, until they were safely in the confines of their cottage. Anna sat down in a chair at the table. After Cora secured the door, she joined her. Anna's hands were on the table in front of her, clasped together tightly. She was definitely upset.

"What did you mean by that last statement?" Cora asked softly.

Anna sighed. "I got...caught up in all of this, in Merlin. I've been acting like a lovesick teenager. You and I both know that Merlin and I can never be. We're from two different worlds."

She frowned. "Yet, you both have a very powerful gift. You and Merlin have a lot in common. You destinies are great."

"Yes, but the danger, Cora is that he makes me feel alive. He awakened something in me today that I nearly forgot I possessed. My ability to love. Merlin is kind. He deserves to have someone he can know completely My father would never allow the two of us to be together."

Cora swallowed hard. It was true. King Merrick of Asteria had made it very clear that she was going to marry well, to marry someone who would always protect her. He wouldn't approve of her marrying a serving boy.

"You can still be his friend, Anna."

"I know, but I already have strong feelings for him. Maybe it's an after effect of my healing him. I feel close to many I've healed." Anna's face lit up. "Of course! That's it!"

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