21. This Is War

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All within the citadel was quiet. A sly smile came to Morgana's lips. She knew why it was quiet. Her plan had worked. She was free to roam the corridors of the castle or anywhere else she decided to explore. The thought of it excited her. She stepped over the two guards lying at the gates. Hugh had done well. She had Thorn and an army with her this time. All of them marched inside the gates, one right after the other. There were a hundred of them. She was well prepared, though the one's that would cause the most problems for her were already asleep.

Morgana opened the entrance to the castle with her magic and stormed inside. "There were having a feast to honor Mordred. I dreamed of it. Now they will all pay. Well, Emrys will be awake, but not one of you are to touch him. He is mine."

Thorn and the others nodded in understanding.

"Feel free to kill anyone else," she said callously.

"Even Arthur?" Thorn asked hopefully.

"Especially Arthur," Morgana spat.

He smiled. "Good. I will be happy to run my sword right through him."

"Did you bring my sword?" She had nearly forgotten until he mentioned one.

"Yes, my lady. Aithusa made it special for you just as you instructed."


Thorn took it from his side and handed it to her. Morgana took it and stopped to admire it for a moment. She couldn't wait to run it right through Emrys. He had caused her enough problems and now he would pay for it. There would be no one left to protect him. Arthur would be poisoned with the others. Still, she would make sure he was dead before she left. No loose ends. Not this time.

"They will be in the throne room at the end of the hallway," Morgana revealed. "They should all be dying slow and painful deaths by now, but I will go in first just in case."

They didn't stop again until they were in front of the throne room doors. Morgana opened it cautiously. So far, everything had run quite smoothly. The guards were lying outside the doors just as they should have been. When the door swung open, Morgana smiled.

Arthur and Gwen were on the floor. Gwaine, Percival, and Leon were right there at the doors. Gaius was beside of Gwaine. She hadn't told Hugh to poison him, but it was just as well. He was a meddlesome fool anyway. He would have been a thorn in her side anyway. Anna, she saw, was lying beside of Gwen. Morgana smiled. Finally, she laid eyes on Merlin. He was on his knees at Anna's side.

"Hello, Emrys," Morgana said smugly.

Merlin tensed. He made sure all the details of the vision were in his possession as soon as Arthur had fetched him and Anna. He wanted to make sure he knew everything she was going to throw at him. He turned to look at her, his anger palpable on his face. He slowly stood. This was it.

Morgana smiled, half amused, half disgusted. "So it is you."

Merlin stared at her, but he said nothing.

"All this time, I have feared this powerful sorcerer, one who was supposed to be my destiny and my doom. It was you." She was met with silence. "What, Merlin? Nothing to say?"

"What have you done?" Merlin asked her finally. He had been going over and over what to say in his head. Those were the only words that kept popping up. "What's wrong with them? Why leave only me untouched?"

Morgana playfully twirled her sword. "I poisoned them. Well, I had them poisoned. They're all dying. I spared you, Emrys. I wanted the pleasure of killing you myself."

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