12. Honorary Knights

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"This calls for a celebration," Arthur announced. He smiled widely. "I must check with Leon and the others, but I'm sure they won't mind what I have set in my heart to do."

Merlin cocked his head to the side. "And that is what exactly?"

"A surprise. I want you, Anna, and Cora in your best clothes and in the throne room by this afternoon. Forget your duties for the day. I don't want you focused on anything but resting."

"Arthur, you do realize that you can't tell anyone about me, right?"

Arthur raised any eyebrow at him, his expression quizzical. "Why not?"

"Because if Morgana find out I am Emrys, she will kill me."

"So you want me to keep the fact that you have magic to myself?"

"No. Just the fact that I am Emrys."

"Why not let her find out that you're Emrys?" Gwen questioned. "She would kill you anyway."

Merlin smiled at her. "Because she will never see an attack coming from me. Even if she found out that I have magic, she wouldn't expect it to be as strong as hers. But Emrys's is. She knows this."

That answer seemed to satisfy the both of htem. Arthur and Gwen gazed lovingly into each other's eyes. With three sorcerers on their side, they finally had the chance to beat Morgana at her own magical game.

"Does Gaius know?" Arthur asked suddenly. It occured to him that he may not be the only person Merlin kept his secret from.

"Of course," Merlin told him.

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Anyone else?"

A sad expression settled on Merlin's face. "There was one more, but he's gone now."

"Who was it, if I may ask?"


Arthur cringed at the sound of his name. Lancelot had been a noble knight, but he had also been the reasson Arthur and Guinevere nearly separated forever. Merlin noticed the look on his face and realized that Arthur never knew the truth. Even Gwen looked uncomfortable.

"He's not what you think, Arthur. That wasn't Lancelot that caused the rift between the two of you. It was his body, but Morgana was controlling him. She is to blame. Lancelot loved Gwen, yes, but he was loyal to you and he would never have stood in the way of the love the two of you share."

Arthur and Gwen both gaped at him. Only Arthur spoke.

"Lancelot never survived then?"

"No. I freed his spirit and gave him a proper burial the moment I found out what she was doing."

Gwen smiled, tears coming to her eyes. "That was sweet of you."

"I owed him." He cast his eyes to the floor. "The plan was that I was going to take your place to close the veil between the worlds. Lancelot beat me to it. He said that you would need me. I guess he was right."

A grin appeared on Arthur's face. "There were so many times I wondered how you survived, Merlin. Now I know." He sighed. "Go. All of you. Don't forget to meet in the throne room this afternoon."

"Are you sure you don't need our help preparing for anything, your majesty?" Cora asked. She had been silent during the conversation, just listening.

"Who are you speaking to?" Gwen questioned her. "Arthur or your princess?"

Anna smiled. She too had been listening intently to the conversation, politely staying out of something that didn't concern her. "She better be talking to Arthur. She calls me Anna."

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