11. Out of the Closet

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Morgana flung the door to her broken down castle open. She let out a scream of fury. Thorn and his men had returned and they all jumped when they heard her.

She stomped inside and took a seat in her chair. She sat there for a moment, mulling things over a bit.

"Are you alright, my lady?" Thorn asked. "I've been searching the castle over for you."

"Sweet," Morgana replied bitterly, "and no, I'm not alright." She clenched her fists. "My efforts in Camelot were thwarted by some girl. Two actually. They both have magic."

"I'm sorry."

"Not as sorry as they're going to be," she sneered. "And Merlin! He will not die no matter what I do to him!" She slammed her hand down on the arm of the chair, causing Thorn to jump again. "I want him dead!"

Thorn swallowed hard. He hated when she was this upset. She was dangerous. She had killed two of them last time. "Who?"

Had he not heard her the first time? "Merlin!" she shouted. "And that girl in the square, Anna...and just all of them!"

"Why not use Hugh? He has magic."

Morgana thought for a moment. That wasn't a bad idea, but Hugh would never kill anyone on purpose. She could make him, but then he might be clumsy and nervous and mess up. No, she was done with Hugh for now. The next part he had to play would come soon enough.

"No. There has to be another way. I just have to up my game. Find me more recruits. Magical ones, Thorn. Tell them our cause and get them to join me. These two girls can be outnumbered."

Thorn bowed his head. "And what about our search for Emrys? You know he protects Camelot too."

"Yes, but for some reason he avoids me. I don't think I'll have to worry about Emrys at all."

Morgana had no idea how very wrong she was about that.

~ * ~

The next morning the sun was shining brightly through the windows of the castle, and spirits were high...for the most part.

Arthur paced back and forth nervously in the confines of his chambers. Gwen was over by the window watching him thoughtfully.

"You're going to wear a hole in the floor, Arthur."

He stopped for a moment and glanced up at her. "I'm not sure if what I'm about to do is the right thing. We've gone up against Morgana plenty of times. Without magic. The more I think about it, the more doubts I have."

Gwen frowned. "You don't trust her, do you?"

He sighed. "That's part of it. I should trust her after she saved Merlin's life again, and Leon's, and yours, but I don't know her. How do we know she's not working with Morgana and last night wasn't some big show to gain my trust?"

"I don't really think she's that strategic."

"We don't know that. We don't know anything about her."

"Inquire about her. Cora too. Find out where they're from."

Arthur thought about that for a moment. He could find out more about them. That would possibly help to ease his mind a little bit.

Gwen walked over to him and placed her hands on his shoulders. "And Merlin will be up here any minute with breakfast. Ask him what he knows. Cora is helping him. Ask her too."

Arthur smiled as he glanced back at her. "You're smart, Gwen. I knew there was a reason I married you."

She laughed. As if on cue, Merlin and Cora came through the doors. They sat the trays down on the table, like Arthur and Gwen had them to earlier. They pulled chairs up to it and stood there waiting for them to be seated. Arthur and Gwen walked over and sat down. The servants pushed them in and prepared everything before pouring the drinks.

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