7. He's Alive

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 Merlin headed out into the courtyard, as soon as he left Gaius, to wait for Anna to come back. He thought it might be easier for her to find him if he was standing in plain sight. He thought about going right to her house, but thought better of it after a few minutes of deliberation. Anna had promised she would find him and he believed her. He sat on the ledge of the fountain in the center and watched for her.

A lot of people went by him, in the eternity that seemed to pass, even Leon, Gwaine, Elyon, and Percival on their way to have lunch. They stopped and talked to him for a little bit.

"Hey, Merlin," Gwaine greeted him, slapping him on the back. "It's good that you're back with us."

Merlin smiled. "Thank you. It feels good to be breathing."

"I'm sorry about earlier. I saw that girl's cloak and lost it. I could have sworn it was the same girl. How did she save you?"

He shrugged. "I was nearly dead when she found me. I have no idea. She was watching over me when I woke up. She told me what she did. She's really gifted."

"Hmm. Well, I'm just glad you're still with us."

"Me too," Elyon admitted.

"I just want to eat," Leon said with a grin, "but I'm glad you're okay."

Percival nodded his head in agreement.

Merlin shook his head. "I'm glad I'm so important to you."

"Sorry, Merlin. Nobody messes with lunch."

They all laughed heartily.

"I suppose we should be going, before Leon's stomach starts growling some more," Elyon said.

"You should join us, Merlin," Percival suggested.

"I can't. I'm waiting for someone."

"Who?" Gwain questioned.

"The girl that saved me. Anna. Arthur rewarded her for my safe return. She's to be Gwen's maid."

"Wow," Leon commented. "Arthur must have been really worried about you."

Merlin smiled. "I guess so."

They talked for a little bit longer and then they all said their goodbyes. The knights hadn't been gone but a minute, when Merlin saw Anna walking toward him. He stood the moment his eyes fell on her. She had changed from the dress she had been wearing earlier. This dress was long, light pink and white, and accentuated curves that Merlin had paid no attention to before. She was beautiful. She stopped right in front of him and he was at a loss for words for a couple of seconds.

"You changed," Merlin said.

Anna frowned at him. "What?"

"Your dress. You changed."

"Oh, yeah. I had been wearing that other one for a long while. It reeked of forest."

He smiled.

"Um, Merlin? I hope you're not upset, but my friend wanted to meet you. She's over there." Anna pointed a few feet to her right. "Cora wanted me to make sure it was okay with you before she just came over and pushed her company on you."

He gazed over at the young, blonde-haired woman, and motioned for her to come over. Cora smiled brightly and hurried over. Her eyes were wide with wonder.

"It's great to meet you, Merlin," Cora said humbly. She gave him a little bow. "Anna told me how nice you are."

Merlin gazed at Anna, who was smiling like a cat who just ate the canary, and raised his eyebrows. "Really?"

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