17. His Biggest Fear

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It didn't take long to get back to Camelot. Merlin didn't allow anything or anyone to get in his way. His focus was completely on Anna. He had already gotten her off the horse and into Gaius's chambers by the time the others arrived at the castle. He laid her on the table, clearing everything else away, with one swipe of his hand. Gaius was there at his side, after getting a pillow for him to lay her head on, and immediately started tending to her wound.

"How did this happen?" he asked, his eyebrow raised quizzically.

"She was stabbed in the back," Merlin told him bitterly. "I was knocked out, and when I came to, I saw Mordred heading toward Arthur with a sword. I went to him, scared the prophecy was about to come true. Anna must have seen someone in trouble. Mordred knocked Morgana out, so I didn't have to worry about her. Gwen went to battle too. I don't know what happened. Cora screamed and I thought it was Anna. When I got to her, she was like this. A sorcerer by the name of Thorn was responsible. He confronted me and I took care of him."

"Well, that's quite a story," Gaius commented. He sighed. "As far as I can tell, Anna is going to be fine. She needs rest though, and someone to change her bandages every two hours. I'll get busy on a potion to ease her pain. You could just heal her, Merlin."

Merlin shook his head. "Not unless I have to, Gaius." He ran his hand through his hair and exhaled in frustration. "Can you watch her until I return?"

Gaius studied him intently. He knew the young man well enough to know there was obviously something bothering him, something he wasn't saying, but it was best not to pry. "Of course. Where will I be able to find you if I need to?"

"Outside. I won't leave the gates. I just need to go for a walk to clear my head."

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I just need to walk. I'll be back soon."

Gaius nodded and watched as he walked out the door. He wondered what would be plaguing him so much. It must have had something to do with what happened out there. He pushed it from his mind. Merlin would tell him when he was ready.

~ * ~

When she first opened her eyes, Morgana had no idea where she was. She raised her head, the sun blaring into her eyes, as it lowered slowly into the horizon. It all came rushing back. She had been so close to getting what she wanted, so close to killing Arthur. Then someone had attacked her from behind. She was still lying in the same place she had fallen.

Morgana groaned and grabbed the back of her head. It ached, probably from her fall. She sat up. She had no idea what was happening now. She hoped the battle was still raging on, but the forest was eerily quiet. She glanced back where her warriors had been, and was shocked to see them all laying there on the ground. She hurriedly got to her feet. As far as she could see, there were no survivors. Was it possible there were all dead?

She bent down to check the pulse of the first man she came to. He was breathing, but still unconscious. She moved on to the next one. It seemed to be the same case for all of them. She discovered Thorn a little farther away from the rest of them. He was barely breathing. She shook him, trying to make him open his eyes. If anyone would know what went on, he would. After two or three tries, he finally opened his eyes.


He groaned. "My lady."

"What happened?" Morgana demanded. "It should be Arthur and his subjects lying here. Not all of you."

Thorn raised up. "I didn't count on such a powerful sorcerer."

She rolled her eyes. "Anna is easily manipulated. She should have been easy for you to control."

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