16. Unexpected Ally

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"Camelot's border is just up ahead," Arthur announced. "I told Anna we'd be fine."

Gwen smiled at him. "You did."

Suddenly, a man stepped out of the trees ahead, a small army at his back, of ten men at least. He walked slowly toward them, a wicked smile on his face.

"Or you could have been wrong," she whispered.

Arthur clenched his teeth together. "Identify yourselves."

"Of course," the man said. "I am Thorn, loyal servant to Lady Morgana."

Arthur drew his sword and hopped off of the horse. Gwen stayed where she was, but her hand closed around the dagger she had recently started carrying at Arthur's request. It was at times like this when she was grateful she listened to him once and a while. Arthur walked toward the man, but he stopped just in front of Gwen's horse.

"Well, Thorn, you need to turn and leave us alone."

"I have my orders." He drew his sword. "Morgana wants you dead."

"She has for a while now, but she always fails in her attempts."

"You have been lucky, but your luck has run out. She has magic on her side."

"So do I."

"So we have heard, but your servant is busy fighting Morgana. He's probably dead by now, and your other magical protectors are preoccupied as well. Your knights have been taken care of too. One of them was bleeding so badly he could barely walk. We left him lying on the forest floor. Face it, Arthur. You are alone."

Gwen got down off her horse slowly. "He's not alone. Not completely." She drew a sword from the saddle bag. "He's got me."

Arthur glanced back at his wife gratefully, but there was worry in his blue eyes. Even if they did fight, they were severely outnumbered. Two against eleven.

Thorn laughed. "It makes no difference. You will both perish."

He thrust both of his hands forward, and Gwen and Arthur both went flying backwards. They landed hard on their backs. It knocked the breath out of both of them.

"Well, well," a voice said. "Not so mighty now, are you?"

Arthur looked up, although he didn't have to. He knew it was Morgana. He set his jaw and tried to get up, but she knocked him back down. She had been fighting Merlin Thorn had said. So if she was here, what did it mean for Merlin?

"Where's Merlin?" he spat.

She smiled. "Taken care of. You didn't really think his power could match mine, did you?"

"You'll never win, Morgana," Gwen vowed. "Good will prevail."

"It hasn't today. Even with three sorcerers at your disposal, you are still weak." Morgana looked up at Thorn and nodded. That was the signal. He threw her his sword. She caught it in mid-air, and in one fluid motion, positioned it downward. "Goodbye, Arthur Pendragon." She raised it above her head, ready to plunge it into his chest.

"No!" Merlin screamed. He had just come out of the edge of the woods.

Morgana knew she had to hurry. She brought the sword down, but it never hit its mark. The sword went flying from her hand. She narrowed her eyes. Glancing at Merlin, the feeling of hatred became stronger than ever.

"You are such a meddlesome fool!" She turned to Thorn. "Take care of him!"

Thorn moved forward. Merlin almost made it over to Gwen before he sailed backwards. He hit the ground hard and hit his head. He was out in an instant, blackness engulfing him entirely.

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