Chapter 15 - Laila (part 2)

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           I whirled around, a hand at my throat, my eyes widening at the sight of Justin leaning against the wall at the bottom of the stairs, his arms crossed coolly over his chest. His hair was tangled and wet, falling across his forehead and into his bright green eyes that gave away no emotion. 

  "Justin, I... I - " I stammered, not sure of what to say.

He managed a sarcastic smile. "You actually looked surprised, sweetheart. Do you mean to tell me that my mother didn't tell you?" 

  "Tell me what?" I demanded, my voice oddly shrill.

Justin raised an eyebrow, looking thoroughly unconvinced. "Oh, you mean she didn't tell you I was adopted?"

 I choked back a sob, biting my lip. "No, she didn't tell me. Why would she - "

"Oh, come off it, Laila! Don't act like you didn't already know," he said harshly, his eyes blazing.

 "I didn't!" I half-shouted, my voice pitching. "How could I know, you idiot?"

Justin laughed humorlessly. "Yeah, right. Was it just my imagination, or does my mother just talk to you about the weather?"

 What was he talking about? Why would Kim talk to me about - ?

Oh, God. My thoughts immediately turned to that night almost a week ago when I'd been outside swimming, and Kim had come out after me and warned me that I should be careful with Justin, because he'd been through a lot. That meant that... Justin must've seen. He'd seen Kim and I talking that night.

  He must've put two and two together, and come to the conclusion that Kim had told me that he was adopted. 

  "Justin, your mother didn't tell me anything that night," I said, trying to get a grip and not start crying.

"She didn't?" Justin repeated sarcastically. 

"No!" I exclaimed. "She told me that it wasn't in her place to tell me your business!"

 Justin fell silent, his jaw set in a hard line, eyes roaming over me.

"You don't need to keep lying, Laila," he finally said, his voice quiet and husky.

 I tried to come up with an appropriate thing to say, but I had no idea. My thoughts were so jumbled together that I had no idea even what to think. Justin turned and made to leave the kitchen, heading up the stairs.

 "Justin, wait!" I called helplessly, my voice cracking.

Tears were already brimming over, blurring my vision.

 "Just forget it, Laila," Justin said, not even turning around to look at me.

My feet were frozen to the floor and I couldn't even bring myself to move, to go after Justin and convince him that I wasn't lying, but I couldn't. I had a feeling that was going to be a really big mistake. Plus, I also had a feeling that was going to turn out to be true.

  I slid down the counter, crumpling to the floor, wrapping my arms around my knees. And I allowed myself to cry.


  So, I hadn't planned on posting the second part of this chapter, but I just really wanted to get it out and see how everybody would think of it. But man, it was really hard writing it. I know it seems just like drama, drama, drama right now, but believe me, it's going to get better. Yeaah, it will, haha. (: just hold out for it, ha ha. So, thanks to everyone who's ever read this. It's really awesome that you guys have been leaving comments and liking it, 'cause it's really amazing! Thanks so much!

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