Bullies, Secrets and Pain

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Alison's POV

I walk out of class at lunch the next day and go to my locker like usual.

I hear whispering again only this time when I look over its a girl with slightly red hair.

"Hey, blondie." She smirks evilly.

I feel more threatened by her than I did by Emily at first for some reason.

"Hi," I pause. I don't know her name.

"Paige." She supplies.

"Okay. Hi, Paige."

I go back to my locker.

"I overheard something interesting yesterday from your sister talking to your other sister on the phone."

My heart starts pounding.

"She said, 'Can you pick up Peaches?'"


"'I can't tonight.'"

Oh god please, no.

"'I wish Alison could take care of her more.'"

Please god. Please don't let it be what I think it is.

"'She is her kid after all.'"

Fuck. I was getting a fresh start. Now everyone is gonna know.

"Y'know you look like a slut. I try not to judge a book by its cover so I didn't. But now I know your cover shows exactly what the book is about."

"Please don't tell anyone!"

"Oh I'll tell everybody." She smirks. "I'm in Emily's group. Meaning I have power here." Then she stands in the middle of the hall and claps her hands loudly. "Hey everyone!"

Oh god.

I turn to run but she grabs my arm and doesn't let me go. She wants to watch me as I watch my life be ruined all over again. She's stronger than me so there's no hope of getting away.

"I just thought you should know that Miss. Blondie new girl over here has a secret!"

The hallway fills with "Oooh!"

I try to hide my face but her grip on my arm tightens.

It hurts.

"She's a slut."

A few loud gwuaffas break out.

"Beware boys! She probably gets with fourteen guys a week. Two for every day."

That's not even true. I've only done it once. Even if I did get with a lot of guys though, that shouldn't determine my self worth or diminish the respect I get. (AN: can you see the feminist coming out in me?)

"You wanna know how I know?"

"Yeah!" Choruses through the hall.

"Little Miss. Perfect has a kid."

There is a collective gasp that resound through the hallway.

I try one last time to rip my arm away but now Paige turns to me.

"Oh you aren't going anywhere." She laughs. "I don't just do story time. I like to have a a visual to go with it. Emily will be so proud of me." She whispers the last part with a smirk that makes my insides squirm.

I whimper softly. What is she gonna do?

Where the fuck are all the teachers?! That's when I remember that one girl Mona telling me that the teachers almost never come out of their classrooms at lunch.

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