Moving Out Moving in and Settling

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It seems such a waste of time
If that's what it's all about
Mama if that's movin' up
Then I'm movin' out
I'm movin' out!

I sing loudly as I pack my things into boxes. Peaches sings along with me. Billy Joel has always been our thing and even though she's only two (almost three) she knows all the words to all the songs I know.

"You got the net part, 'lil P?" I ask.

"Ye!" She yells.

Sewgeant O'Weawy is walkin' da beat
At night he becomes a bawtendew
He wowks at Mistew Cacciatowe's down
On Suwivan Stweet
Acwoss from the medical centew
He's twadin' in his Chevy for a CADIWACK ACK ACK ACK ACK!

She screams the last part because it's her favorite and I giggle and join back in.

You oughta know by now
And if he can't drive
With a broken back
At least he can polish the fenders

It seems such a waste of time
If that's what it's all about
Mama if that's movin' up
Then I'm movin' out
I'm movin' out!

"What are you two doing?" Emily laughs, bringing another box up to my room for me to put my stuff in.

"Getting our Billy on!" I say.

"Ye!" Peaches adds. "Biwy is da king!"

"I've taught her well." I grin, holding my stomach and pushing myself off from my sitting spot on the floor.

Emily grabs my hand and helps me up. "While I agree that Billy is the king, why that song?"

"Hello?" I giggle. "The song is called Moving Out. Peaches and I use Billy to narrate our lives and this is the perfect song for right now. Duh."

"DUH!" Peaches echoes.

"She's such a mini Alison it's creepy." Emily's eyes are wide. She picks the toddler up and swings her around.

Peaches giggles. "I hope I wike mommy. Mommy bewy pwetty!"

"Yes she is." Emily grins. "And so are you, my princess."


I look around the apartment and grin. It's perfect. I go to lift a box but a hand on my arm stops me.

"NO!" Emily shouts. "You're over eight months pregnant. I'm not letting you do any lifting."

"Emilyyyy..." I whine. "Pleeeeassse?" I stick out my bottom lip and bat my eyelashes.

She groans. "You know I can't say no to that face. But I'm gonna have to. Your health and the baby's health are more important than helping me lift boxes."

I groan and roll my eyes. "Fine!" I huff and stomp over to the couch, which was the first thing put into the apartment. I sit and cross my arms.

Emily just laughs and goes outside to get more boxes.

Peaches does her toddler-run over to me and hops up on the couch next to me. "Mommy, mommy, mommy!"

"What, what, what?" I mimic with a laugh. She's just so chubby and cute.

"Emmy and you and me and my sistew wiwl wive togedor in dis house!" She squeals. "I'm excited and you looked upset fow a second and now I wowied."

"Aw, baby." I pull her onto my lap and kiss her forehead. "I'm fine. Everything is fine. I was just a little upset I couldn't help Emily move boxes because I wanna help, but I'm okay. I'm sorry I made you worried."

She smiles and kisses my cheek sloppily. I giggle and kiss her on her cheek right back.

Emily's POV

I'm back at the moving truck about to grab a box when my phone chimes.

Look at the perfect little family.
It'd be so easy for me to ruin it.
I wonder what Ali's blood looks
like? But there is something
you can do to protect them.
You'll find out soon enough...

- A

I gasp and my heart starts beating the same way it always does when I get an A text, especially if it's threatening Ali or Peaches or the baby. What could I do to protect them? The way it was written made me shiver and whatever it was would be like making a deal with the devil.

I sigh and slide my phone into the back pocket of my jean shorts, grabbing another box. It's marked 'Special.'

I furrow my brow, not remembering this box. I open it and see dozens of photos and keepsakes that are clearly Alison's. Half the pictures are of us. I smile to myself and bring the box inside, forgetting about the stupid A text.

Peaches and Ali are sitting on the couch. Peaches is in her mother's lap and they're making funny faces and taking selfies with Alison's phone. They don't notice me so I just stand there, watching them and smiling.

Ali pulls her baby pink lipgloss out of her pocket and looks at Peaches. "You want some lipgloss, baby girl?" She asks with a smile.

"YE!" Peaches squeals exitedly. "I'm gonna wook wike mommy!" Then she puckers her lips out.

Ali giggles and applies a small bit of lipgloss to Peaches.

Peaches looks at herself in Ali's phone and grins. "Mowe pichuws!"

They both do the duck face and take another selfie.

I smile and walk up to them, finally making myself known. "What are you two cutie pies think you're doing?"

Peaches giggles. "Wook Emmy! I have wipgwoss!"

I laugh and sit down next to them, putting my arm around Ali. Peaches snuggles in between us and smiles up at me. "Cozy!" She cries and then laughs.


"Emily?" I hear Ali whisper as we lay in bed, trying to fall asleep.

"Yeah?" I ask, turning to face her.

"Do you think we can be happy. Or... or do you think A will ruin this for us?"

I sigh. "C'mere." I bring her closer to me and she snuggles up to me. Then she looks up at me through her long dark eyelashes. "We're gonna find out who they are, Ali. I promise. And we're all gonna be okay. I won't let anything happen to you or the Peaches or any of our other friends and family. I'll protect you." I put my hand on her stomach. "I'll protect her."

Alison sighs. "Okay... On a happier note, I can't fall asleep, so... any name ideas?"

"Emily Junior." I suggest with a laugh.

Ali smacks me playfully on the arm. "No." She laughs. "How about... Riley?"

"Nah... Rachel?"

"No. Clare?"

"No." I sigh. "I guess we'll just know it when we see her little face, won't we? Oh, Al, I'm so, so excited for her to get here!"

"Me too." Ali said with a soft smile.

AN: So they moved in. And what will A say Emily can do to protect them? DUN DUN DUNNN! Guys I still have plans. Like my plans aren't even half over yet. I have a whole page filled up with what's gonna happen and it gets juicy, like just you wait. My phone still isn't fixed and I'm dying. :(((((((

- G. Schreiber

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Vine: Gretaschreib

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