Sleepovers, Hanna and Protectiveness

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Emily's POV

It's the time of year when me and my friends have our annual sleepover. We have other ones too but this one is the anniversary of our first group sleepover.

I ask the girls if I can invite Alison this time and they're all cool with it. They like Ali.

When they all arrive we set up in Spencer's barn.

"So Alison," Hanna says. "I'm very protective of Emily and there are gonna be some questions."

"I'm ready." She says confidently.

"What exactly are your intentions young lady?" She jokes.

"I plan to court her, propose, marry her and have seven children." Ali homes back.

Hanna grins. "I like you. Alright now serious questions."

"Ask away."

"How many people have you had sex with?"

Ali goes white and she doesn't answer.

"Hanna!" I snap.

"What?" She asks innocently. "It's just a question."

Alison raises her chin and gives Hanna a strong look. "None."

"But you have a kid..." Hanna says and all three of them stare at her.

"I haven't had sex with anyone."

Spencer gasps. "Was it-? Did-? Was it non-consensual sex?"

The blonde just breathes out slowly. "It was rape. There's no such thing as 'non-consensual sex.' There's sex. And if you don't have consent then it's rape. And rape is not just another form of sex." (AN: The word "non-consensual sex" makes me mad? Can you tell?)

They all just sit there in silence until finally Hanna puts her hand on Ali's. "I'm sorry."

Alison smiles at her. "It's okay."

The rest of the night is a blast. I'm glad my friends like Ali and she likes them.

We order pizza and when the delivery guy comes I see that it's one of Noel Kahn's lacrosse buddies, Mason.

Alison goes up to get the food and pay.

"Hey, sexy lady." Mason smirks. "Shouldn't it be illegal to be that hot?"

Ali screws up her face in disgust. She practically throws the money at him, grabs the pizza and turns to walk away.

Mason grabs her arm and yanks her back to him.

"You're hurting my arm!" She says, trying to get out of his grip.

"No one turns me down." He says, clearly squeezing her arm tighter.

Alison squeezes her eyes shut in pain.

I've seen enough. "Mason, get the fuck off my girlfriend or you'll be pushing up daisies before you're next lacrosse game."

The boy gulps and drops her arm. "E-Emily. I didn't see you."

"Well I saw you." I scowl. "I wish I hadn't." Then I push him into the flowerbeds and slam the door in his face, smirking.

My face drops as I see Ali rubbing her wrist with a pained expression.

"You okay?" I ask quickly.

"Yeah." She chuckles. "The asshole just has a really strong grip."

I slowly lean down and kiss her wrist. "All better?"

She giggles and nods her blonde head.

"Ugh. I'm having Caleb withdrawal so can you cut it with the mushy stuff?" Hanna groans as we rejoin the group.

"Caleb?" Alison says, confused.

"Caleb Rivers." I answer. "Her boyfriend. He's in New York with his dad right now."

"And I'm dying!" Hanna flops into Ali's lap dramatically.

We all laugh.

Alison's POV

"Hanna?" I ask. "What are you doing?"

I was just awoken in the middle of the night by Hanna making the weirdest moaning noises.

The noises stop and all is silent.

Then Hanna answers me. "I'm imitating what I think you and Emily would sound like while having sex." She whispers.

I sit up fast. "What?!"

She pauses. "Nevermind, that's weird... I'm just masturbating."


"I told you!" She says. "Caleb withdrawal!"

"Ugh!" I say, flopping back down. "We'll keep it down! I'm trying to sleep!"


The morning light hits me dead in the eyes and I groan, rolling over. "Sleep! Must have sleep!"

I feel someone's arm around me, holding tight, their hand on my butt. When I try to get up they grab me tighter, preventing me from moving.

I roll over and come face to face with the person, who happens to be Emily. I'm glad it is. If it was Hanna I'd probably slap her.

"Em..." I whisper. "I wanna get up."

"Nooo." She groans, playfully squeezing my ass.

"It's noon!" I insist.

"But you're my stuffed animal!" She whines. "Pip."

I scoff comically. "Pip is a boy."

"Whatever." She yawns, hugging me even tighter. "You're still my stuffed animal."


"Ugh. Fine." She moves her arms away and I sit up, rubbing my eyes and yawning. We stayed up till like five last night. Or I guess you could say this morning.

I look at my phone and my eyes widen. "Shit!"

"What?" Emily asks groggily.

"I was wrong! It's 1:30! I need to go get Peaches!"

"Meet you at your house later?" Emily clarifies.

"Sure." I call as I run out the door and to my car.

I'm almost home. I drive down my street and squint as I see a truck in the driveway. I can see the outline of a man leaning against it.

As my car gets closer my breath hitches in my throat.

Oh no...

AN: Hope you guys liked this chapter! Sorry it was kinda short! But who is the man in Ali's driveway??? Comment who you think it is for faster updates!

- G. Schreiber

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