Preschool Offers and Refusal

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Emily's POV

I hear an excited squeal come from the living room. I walk in and see Ali clutching her phone and doing a little happy dance.

"Why are you so happy?" I chuckle. She's so adorable, trying to dance around with her gigantic almost-9-months pregnant belly.

"Peaches got into that amazing preschool I applied her to! The one with the really great teachers and facilities!"

"Yay!" I cry, running up to her and doing the same little happy dance that she was doing, only I can actually do it.

"When does she start?" I question excitedly.

"Not until September, babe." Ali laughs.

"Aww." I pout.

"Eager to get her out of the house?" She raises an eyebrow.

"No!" I defend. "Of course not! Why would you even-"

Alison laughs. "I was kidding." She kisses me on the cheek. "Relax, alright?"

Peaches toddles in. "Why all da scweaming?!"

I crouch down in front of her. "Baby, how would you feel about going to school?"

"Schowl..." Peaches looks thoughtful, as if she's contemplating the whole idea.

"Yeah." Ali says. "You'd go every day Monday through Thursday in September and keep doing it until May."

"NO!" Peaches suddenly yells. "I no wanna go to schowl! I no wanna weave you and Emmy!"

Ali gives her a sympathetic look. "You'll have to, baby."

"NO!" Peaches yells. "Emmy won't make me!"

I shrug. "Well maybe she can start a year later..." Only because the toddler looks so upset.

"No!" Ali's eyes go wide. "This is an amazing school! The spot might not be open next year."

"I don't want you! I wish Emmy was my mommy!" Peaches suddenly yells.

Alison gasps and she looks like all the wind has been knocked out of her. She puts a hand over her mouth and she is definitely about to cry. She runs away before she starts.

Peaches turns to me with a concerned look on her face. "Why mommy wun away?"

I furrow my brow, giving a firm, parenting expression. "You really hurt your mommy Peaches. She ran away because she's crying."

The toddler's eyes go wide and she gasps. "I no mean to!" She wails.

"Maybe you should go talk to your mommy." I suggest.

Peaches nods and runs into our room after Ali.

Alison's POV

I sit on my bed crying. Never in all my life has something hurt me that bad. I've been through so much, but nothing compares to hearing my daughter say she wants someone else as her mother. Everyone always ends up rejecting me. I just never expected her to.

Suddenly I feel the indent of someone sitting next to me. Someone tiny.

I look up to see Peaches, fidgeting. She looks guilty and upset.

"I sowy mommy. I didn't know you'd cwy. I was just mad. I don't weally want Emmy to be my mommy. I wove Emmy, but I wove you more and you'wl aways be my mommy. You'we da best mommy evaw."

I pull her into me and hug her tightly. "I know, baby. I know you didn't mean it."

"I go to pweschool if dat what you want."

Emily's POV

Peaches and Ali go to the store to get food and I'm the only one home. I sit on the couch and watch tv. My phone chimes and I just know.

You have a chance to
make a deal. To save
them. Don't screw it
up, bitch.

- A

I have no fucking idea what to do. On the one hand if I do this I could potentially save my family. But what if it's a trap? This is like making a deal with the devil. A could turn whatever this deal is around and make it awful for us all. But if I don't do this A will just hurt Ali or Peaches or the baby. Again.

I sigh and look back at the phone. And I reply.

Fine. What do I
need to do?

Mere seconds after my phone vibrates a reply from A.

Look up.


I look up and gasp. There's A, black hoodie and all, right there in front of me.

"Well..." I say, trying to keep the fear in my voice from showing. "What do you want me to do?"

A computerized robot voice speaks out. "Are you sure you want to do this? I'm giving you one chance to back out."

I nod. "I'm sure."

"I need you to help me."

"Wait... What?"

"Be A with me."

"What?" My eyes widen. "But I want you to stop hurting them! Not get me to help you do it!"

A steps closer. "If you help me, no true harm will come to them. If you don't, all of them- every single one. Hanna, Aria, Spencer, Caleb, their families and yes, Alison and Peaches and the baby will die. Just help me mess with them. Think about it Emily, think about how much fun it could be, believe me. It's fun."

I just don't know what to do. I mean I have to work with A, right? If I don't they'll die. "Fine." I sigh. "Fine. I'll fucking help you. But no one will get hurt."



AN: sorry oops. I know probably like all of you are internally groaning because Emily is now on the A team. But it won't be like how it usually does in other fanfics. (No offense to anyone who does this in their fan fictions, I'm in no way better, probably worse.) Emily isn't gonna do anything super bad. I can't spoil too much, but rest assured, all will be okay.

- Gschreiber

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Vine: Gretaschreib

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