Birth Smiles and It's Me

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Alison's POV

"Ahhh!" I scream as another contraction hits. "When the fuck is it gonna be time to push?!"

Emily rubs my hand. "Soon, baby, soon."

A nurse comes in and my eyes blaze. "YOU!"

She looks at me with a calm expression. "Yes, Miss?"

"Get this fucking thing out of me! I-AHHHH!" I am cut off by yet another contraction. I squeeze down on Emily's hand hard.

"Ow, babe you're hurting my hand." She says.


A doctor comes in. "Alright, Miss. DiLaurentis. It's time to push."

My heart pounds and I glance at Emily who nods at me encouragingly.


"Alright." The doctor says as she takes her place at the end of the bed. "Give me a big push in 3... 2... 1, push!"

I scream out as pain rips through me and push as hard as I possibly can.

"Okay, again. PUSH!"

I scream again and sob. I squeeze down on Emily's hand, harder then I've ever done before.

"Ow, okay, ow." She says.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH, BITCH!" I yell at her.

Her mouth snaps shut.

After a few more pushes the doctor looks up, "Okay, Miss. DiLaurentis. This is your last push. One more time."

This hurts so bad. And I'm so tired. I begin to sob and collapse back on the bed. "Emily I can't do this. I-I can't."

"Yes you can." She says confidently. "You've done it once before. You can do it again."

I shake my head. "I can't, I can't. It hurts. It hurts so bad, please make it stop. Please!" I choke out through sobs.

Emily squeezes my hand. "Ali, listen to me."

"Okay. Okay." I choke as I struggle to breathe normally.

"You are the strongest person I know. You've been through so much and none of it has broken you. And neither will this. You. Can. Do. This."

It's like the magic words. With them I feel like I can do it. I know I can. "Okay."

"Alright, baby." She says. "Push!"

A scream like no other rips through my body as I push one last time. I feel my head spin and black dots my eyes. I feel like I'm about to pass out.

Cries fill the room and I collapse back on the bed, exhausted. I still feel like I might pass out and I can barely hear anything.

The only thing I register is when the nurse sets a clean baby girl, swaddled in a pink blanket in my arms.

I look down at her beautiful face. She has sparkling blue eyes like me and there's some blonde fuzz on her head.

I rest my head on the pillow as I gaze down on her, panting.

"Have you picked a name?" The nurse asks.

I smile and look at Emily.

She nods.

"Paisley Estella DiLaurentis."

"That's beautiful." The nurse says "I'll give you two some privacy."

I hand Paisley to Emily and she looks amazed.

I still feel light-headed and sick. And then before I know it the black dots are back in front of my eyes and I pass out.

Emily's POV

"Alison? Ali?!" I pick up my daughter and hug her to me. "Nurse?!" I yell frantically.

A nurse rushes to the bedside and then calls some more nurses and the doctor over.

They revive Ali and I breathe a sigh of relief. "What was that?"

The doctor turns to me. "It's okay. I promise. After losing as much blood as she did during delivery its normal to pass out. We will have to get some more blood in her though. Luckily she has type O, which is most common. We have some of that now. We'll get it in her and get her some soup and juice to give her body fuel. And she'll need plenty of rest. But it'll be okay."

I breathe a deeper sigh of relief. "Thank you." Then I look at Alison. "I'm proud of you, babe."


"Aunty Hanna in the housssse!" Hanna cheers as she enters the room carrying a gigantic stuffed teddy bear. She has Peaches with her since she was babysitting while Ali delivered.

"Shhh!" I chastise, motioning to Ali, who is sleeping. "She needs her rest after what happened."

"Oh, sorry." Hanna says, lowering her voice.

Next Caleb comes. Then all of Alison's siblings. Then Spencer comes with Aria.

Everyone fawns over Paisley.


"Welcome home, babe!" I grin as we walk into the apartment together.

Ali carries Paisley, nestled in her arms. Peaches is behind her, arms crossed. "I no like dat thing. Take it back!"

We both chuckle.

"What's this?" I hear Ali say.

I look over to see she's pointing to my black hoodie and mask draped over a chair.


"That looks like... A's." Her eyes widen in fear and she clutched Paisley tighter. She grabs Peaches and holds her close as well.


"Do you think A is here?" She says. Her voice is shaking.

"No, Ali." There's no way out of this one. "Those are mine."


"I've been working with A."

an: oh snap crackle pop. Hey here's a chapter after that long huge break. Sorry about that haha. *laughs nervously* but here. Sorry if it's not that good but I really tried *sigh*. You should go read my new Emison story "Skinny Love" just a warning though it'll be an emotional roller coaster. Lots of angst. Hope you enjoyed!

- G. Schreiber

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