Fear Forgiveness and Tears

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Trigger Warning

Alison's POV

The next day rolls around and I feel worse and worse. I feel bad about the fight with Emily. I hate violence, but I get that she was only trying to protect me.

I'm standing in my room, holding Peaches when Courtney walks in.

"Hey, Ali. Are you okay? I'm asking on behalf of all of us. You seem upset."

"Emily and I just got in a fight." I shrug and shift Peaches over to my left hip. I don't know why I feel like I shouldn't tell them about Dominic. Regardless, I don't.

"Want me to beat her up for you?" Courtney chuckles, joking.

I roll my eyes. "Courtney she'd snap you like a twig."

My twin shrugs. "It's the thought that counts." She thinks for a second. "Hey, I have an idea!"

"That's a first."

She smacks my arm. "Shut up."

"Jason and Charles will be at school all day so why don't CeCe and I take Peaches and give you some me-time!"

I shake my head. "I don't know..."

"You could go to the spa!"

"Oh twinnie, you know my weakness." I love the spa. "But you guys just watched her yesterday."

"We don't mind." Another voice says.

I look up to see CeCe walking in. "We love the kid. Go treat yo self, Ali."

I laugh. "Okay."


I grab my car keys and I'm ready to head out the door to go to the spa.

Suddenly I open the door and standing right there is none other than Dominic.

"W-what're you doing here?" I stutter. I try to stand tall even though I'm terrified of him.

"Alison I wanna see my daughter!"

"She's out."

"Well I want you back!"

"No." I say shakily.

He pushes me back and I fall into the couch. Then he advances towards me, closing and locking the front door.

I pick up a lamp and chuck it at him, but it misses him and smashes into the wall next to him.

He just laughs.

I try to get up but he gets on top of me. He's too strong and my attempts to push him away are no good.

"I'll show you just how much I want you, Ali." He starts to unzip my jeans.

"Please stop!" I scream. My heart is hammering in my chest. I'm praying that Jason or Charles or CeCe or Emily or anyone will walk through the door and stop him.

"You did this to yourself, Ali." He says as he pulls off his own pants.

My mind can only go to one thing as pain rips through my body, not just physically but mentally.

"Help!" CeCe screams as dad advances towards her with a gun. "Help!"

Jason, Charles, Courtney and I attempt to pull my father back but he's strong.

Courtney and I are only 9. Jason is 15 and Charles is 16, but we're still not strong enough.

He rears back and points the gun at us. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you all!"

Suddenly he is knocked off his feet as Charles tackles him. The gun skitters across the floor and Jason grabs it.

"I need your help!" Charles yells to Jason as he struggles to hold him down.

Jason, CeCe and Courtney leap forward and hold him there.

"Get the gun!" CeCe yells to me.

I pick it up without thinking. It's cold and heavy in my hands. I have no idea how to use it-- I guess you just pull the trigger.

"Ali you have to do it!" Charles grunts.

"No!" I yelp, tears falling. "I can't!"

"You have to! We can't hold him for much longer! He's gonna kill us!"

I sob as I put the gun to his forehead.

He struggles and roars.

I squeeze my eyes shut and without thinking I pull the trigger.

When I snap back into the present time I'm lying on our white couch which is stained with blood. The same blood is also crusted up and down my inner thighs. I feel so weak and exhausted.

He left a long time ago.

Suddenly the doorbell rings and I panic.

"Just a second!" I call out shakily. I flip the cushion over so you can't see the blood. Then I pull my jeans back up and fix my hair with my fingers.

My face is red and my eyes are puffy so I splash cold water on them.

Lastly I clean up the broken lamp.

When I finally answer the door I see Emily standing there looking nervous.

"Em." I say, trying my best to sound normal.

"Hey." She says. "Can I come in?"

I glance back in the room one more time, making sure everything looks normal. "Okay."

I step to the side and she goes in. I close the door and follow her. We sit on the couch. The same couch I just got raped on.

"Ali..." She takes my hands in her's. "I'm so sorry for what I said and did. I know you hate violence and I never meant for it to happen. He just made me so mad and I wanted to protect you, that's all. I'm sorry."

At this point I don't care. I just need Emily to hold me. I have to tell her what happened. "I forgive you." I choke out as tears fall.

She wipes them away.

"I love you too."

We hug. In that hug something inside me changes. I'm not sure why but all my brain can think is two words.

My fault, my fault, my fault.

I'm not sure why, but I feel like it's all my fault. I can't tell her. She'll think I'm a slut or that I cheated on her. I can't tell her anything.

When I pull back I smile. A fake smile.

AN: I updated earlier than usual just because. So it's a sad chapter. And a warning, it's gonna get really sad these next few chapters.

- G. Schreiber

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